adrake4183's forum posts
I think that the bar for oblivion was just set too high. When I played morrowind it was a maasive step up from the previous version with its 3d graphics and open world. Oblivion simply couldn't be as inovative.
I will aslo says that despite the huge play it got I really think oblivion in a niche game. A lot of people just look around and say "Okay what do I do now?" The open world format doesn't apeal to everyone but I am glad you can appreciate it now.
I assume you're talking about the old one since the new one isn't released.
Well I got my copy well over a decade ago. It is really abandonware at this point so you could look at some of those sites (just google colonization and you'll see the download sites) but as far as a retail site I don't know. I would guess it has been sold out for many many years. The other option is that there is a tribute site that is remaking it. i don't know if they have released it yet but its worth a try.
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