Honestly, I may be an exception, but I feel like maybe I'm not: I'm really having a lot of trouble supporting the breath of games I used to. In part because I'm a grown ass man with less gaming time, but also because GAAS games are taking a lot of the oxygen out of the room. Outside of some truly special releases over the last decade, the grind of GAAS has resulted in me having a backlog of games, with many games still sitting in shrink wrap a year+ into ownership.
In our capitalism-driven world where revenue must always increase, I just don't know what the future looks like. Or, I do: a bunch of small indie games orbiting a handful of massive, well-maintained GAAS games and annual releases and almost nothing in between. Creativity extracted in order to maintain revenue. Calculated, clinical releases instead of new ideas built on love and passion. Lots of studio closures and dissolvements.
And it feels like my fault to some degree. I've allowed my gaming time to go to the Overwatches, Dota's, League of Legends', Diablo's, Path of Exile's, Apex Legends, CS Go's, and Team Fortress 2's of the world. 90% of my gaming time is in that nexus of games somewhere. For others its the annual Madden or FIFA or Fortnite or mobile Gacha games. If I wasn't playing these time sinks, I would have enjoyed some of the brilliant single players experiences from small and large studios alike that have come out over the last several years. And maybe the outlook wouldn't be quite as grim.
Or maybe it's really just a reflection of failed leadership and COVID-expansion greed and over-promising. Again, it's always the workers that get punished while execs get pay raises for their trash decisions.
Jack Welsh may be one of the worst people to ever live. And if you don't know who that is, I encourage you to do some reading. He is the reason why businesses behave the way they do (mass layoffs) to make their numbers look better for investors.
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