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#1  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
@dabear said:

@mattbbpl: The laws are in place by some states banning ICEs over the next few years.

You've misunderstood what's happening. Nothing is happening over the next "few years". "Several years" from now (2030-2035), the sales of *new* ICE vehicles will cease. Obviously there will be tens of millions on the market you can still buy if you still want one used. Hell, maybe by then you can 3D print your own or something. lol. But they will not simply stop existing nor will you be kicked out of a state for driving one.

Hope that gives you some relief. My hope is that by then, the tech will have advanced so that even if we had the choice, we wouldn't want one anyway. By then we may see 700-1000 mi range on a charge (500 in the cold lol) and 10-20 min average charge times, charging stations everywhere, and maybe even other technologies reaching market viability (like hydrogen). Like, who would want an ICE car in that scenario? It would be like wanting a horse & buggy when the model T is available. Better acceleration, better performance, 3x the drive distance on a charge, better winter reliability (though with less range), less maintenance and care, and (presumably) for a similar price. Outside of the engine sound, what even would be the value prop for an ICE vehicle?

Which brings up another point: Do not buy an EV. Lease it. The value on them drops like a stone and better battery tech is not that far away. You don't want to get stuck with something with poor range when the era of superior battery tech and charging speeds begins.

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#2 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

Netflix, D+, Apple, Peacock, Hulu.

Probably cancelling Peacock and Hulu in Q1.

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#3  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

@sargentd said:
@adrian1480 said:

I pay for some of it. The best content is often not free.

This is also part of the reason misinformation spreads so easily while the truth struggles to reach low-information audiences.

The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free ❧ Current Affairs

I got some news for ya.

Send me $1000 buckaroos and I'll let you read it

You know it's good because you gave me good money for it 💰

I don't believe I shall 😎

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#4 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

Like all vehicles, there are pros and cons. In this case, the cons are greatly exacerbated by communte length and cold climate. None of this is new; we've had EVs for like 15 years now so let's not act like it is. People have managed okay and will continue to.

If you're picking up an EV, know what you're getting into. Especially if you don't have your own garage. Very do-able if you can't charge at home, but know what your options are so that it doesn't become an inconvenience or burden and you'll have a good time.

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#5 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

Musk is a loud moron born into wealth.

None of his screw ups should surprise anyone.

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#6 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

I pay for some of it. The best content is often not free.

This is also part of the reason misinformation spreads so easily while the truth struggles to reach low-information audiences.

The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free ❧ Current Affairs

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#7 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

OLED steam deck is absolutely amazing, yes. Battery life, visuals, and a clearly superior mobile/touch OS compared to Windows.

If you have a meaningful Steam/EGS/ library, there's no reason not to pick one up. If you're not happy with it after 2 weeks, send it back for free.

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#8 adrian1480
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I don't know what they can do, as these are not equal combatants.

1.) Some things are a function of being late to a technology and being behind. They were very late to AI and ratracing. They were late to get FreeSync out there and it's still not quite as good as Gsync.

2.) They have less resources to advance. Consider Nvidia is a 1.3 trillion market cap company. AMD is around $250 billion. That is to say, Nvidia has roughly 4x the resources as AMD, and AMD's investments are spread across graphics and CPUs, among other things. Nvidia is also spread across a variety of product times and markets, but they still generally revolve around graphics.

They will likely always be at arms length from Nvidia at this point and their biggest strength will be in competing at the midlevel of performance. That said, they can still compete in critical categories:

1.) Their tech provides them a strong advantage on the energy consumption front, where their hardware is the clear winner over Nvidia or Intel hardware. Smaller nanometer process, solid chiplet designs. Only Apple is doing energy consumption better and they are not a pure competitor in the same way.

2.) They can still put together high-end performing parts, just not necessarialy something that hits every feature Nvidia can as well as they can do it with their deeper pockets. As such, they can fight in the value prop, which they have done fairly but could do better.

3.) Also-ran status grants them the ability to allow Nvidia to make the mistakes and learn from them before releasing their own versions of things. Like Gsync vs FreeSync. Or ray tracing. It took Nvidia a few generations before ratracing stopped being a joke. And while Nvidia was working to improve it, AMD was quietly starting to add their own. They are behind as a result but have undoubtedly have had to spend less than Nvidia did to get to this point. They can kinda do like a racing car drift kinda thing and always be able to be competitive.

In the end, they will likely remain in a second-place position, but that's okay. Keep investing, and keep innovating as they have in the CPU space and ocassionally they'll hit unexpected homeruns that will grant them the title for a gen here and there. But it's hard to make strong progress against companies that are 4x your size or bigger without some sort of seachange that you can find yourself at the vanguard of. I feel like AMD would need a new product that nobody else has to grow into a giant.

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#9  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

First of all, this looks like trash. But it's WIP so hopefully it will deliver for them.

Secondly, why does this need to be framed as a "destroyer" of another game, let alone a game that's literally a decade old that nobody is thinking about anymore?

It's like framing a future performance-minded Ford Focus built with newer tech and newer performance targets as a '68 Corvette destroyer. Like...okay? But first that fancy new Focus might actully not deliver said "destruction", and secondly the later is a classic car that stands on its own in history. Its legacy is already established.

As an independent game, it's very likely to not deliver (making a great fighting game is hard) and is trying to enter a very crowded fighting game space. And honestly, it's rather disrespectful to suggest that -- based on some very mediocre trailers -- that the gameplay or visuals will match the work that Iron Galaxy gave us over the lifespan of KI and its support, let alone the love and heart easily seen in every aspect of that game.

KI was a game good enough to be an granted space at EVO multiple times. You think this would ever get that level of notariety and reach that level of quality and polish based on what we see here? If not, then why does it get "destroyer" status? I'm not sure this could sniff Skullgirls' jock strap, never mind a product as polished and complete as KI became.

As I think about it, it's really unfair to these developers to push such a high bar on it. It's in development, man. Let them make the first Coreupt game rather than the next KI game.

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#10  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
@uninspiredcup said:

Think the Youtube stuff (alt media think they call it) has had a profound effect on them and likewise Gamespot.

No, the changes in ownership had an effect on both sites. Site owners changed, site changed. And not for the better.

And their mismanagement of talent and underapprecaition of Jeff and others, resulting in the huge exodus from this site after the formation of Giant Bomb.

These forums used to POP. Posts velocity was measured in seconds, minutes at most. Now they're measured in days. Go just 5 or 6 threads down and you're looking at threads that haven't had a post in days, sometimes several days. Unthinkable that you'd even see a day old post on page 1, let alone just a few threads down. That's what happens when a forum dies. Same with sites like Neogaf, which is damn near as dead as this site (certainly relative to where it once was). Leadership ruins a site for one reason or another, then forgets that people can spend their forum time at greener pastures. Guess what? People will pack up and leave trash sites for better ones. Internet is littered with dead forums and this one is as on life support and in a vegitative state as I've ever seen.

You're a young cub on this site but as I've said someone who started posting here a decade before you then left with the GB exodus and has come back in the last few months just to check in on my old's a shame what this site has become. Site used to be an internet forum staple for gamers. Now it's all but dead, with more trolls than quality contributors. I hope you got to see at least a little activity and not what this experience is in 2024.