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#1 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

I didn't know Jeeps had reliability issues. They're so popular.

Well, I guess the play if you want to go with the Rubicon would be to lease. Buy it in the end if you had a good experience?

That's what I'm doing with my Porsche.

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#2  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
@tjandmia said:

@adrian1480: Because the Palestinians don’t want peace; they want the destruction of Israel. They’re not interested in a 2 state solution, so Israel should give them the war they want and make it a 1 state solution. 👍

*All* Palestinians - men, women, and children - want the destruction of Israel, rather than simple equality? No nuance or differing opinions among millions of people? Hamas = all? You feel wanton genocide is the appropriate solution to a painting you've made with what is clearly a very broad brush stroke?

I'm sort of morbidly curious about your answers to any of the above. I didn't think they still made your model of person anymore.

As for the broader implication, is advocating for genocide considered acceptable to you or now accepted on this website? Or am I misunderstanding what you're asking for? And maybe a mod can help me understand what is not tolerated here in 2023? Because what I'm seeing these days sure as hell wouldn't have flown in 2008.

Have standards collapsed so low here since I was a regular that genocide advocacy is a-okay? I get the concervative racists being accepted (they're like roaches), but genoicidal sociopaths are a rare sight and even rarer an accepted presence in any credible online community. Given the post counts in these forums, clearly 99% of the quality posters have moved on to other forums, but goddamn what a fall from grace.

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#3  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

I realize that most people are the central figures and heroes in their own stories, but you need to know that you're not that guy here. You're not a very good person. I'll just put that on the table from jump.

If you think she's an object to be possessed, a car to be "traded in for the next model"...she really needs to get away from you as soon as possible. You don't respect her and really don't seem to even like her. What's even the point of you being in this relationship at all? It seems we all agree you have narcissist tendencies but the truth is that you're not that special (I assure you, you aren't) and she doesn't need you. And you probably know both of these things.

Start by spending some time doing some self-improvement. Figure out how to be less trash as a human, then how to be a decent partner to the next significant other in your life. Go from there.

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#5  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
@comp_atkins said:

looks like Hamas decided they don't want to exist anymore.

that's one way to go i guess...

It's very difficult to understand the rationale or goals behind how they've conducted this offensive. That is to say, it's hard to understand what "winning" looks like on the ground or in public relations.

Not that the world cared at all about the plight of the Palestenian people (if they did we'd have a 2-state solution and not a defacto apartheid state led by racists), but this doesn't get anyone any closer to the safety and security they've been struggling to get since the foundations of the state of Israel.

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#6 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

@AcidTango said:
@uninspiredcup said:

They are holding off for the console version because they don't know how to PC.

Been a reoccurring problem for game journos since the dawn of time.

It's good anyways, don't need their validation. Beleive in yourself, not some bozo you never met before. Who probably knows even less about games than you.

Who cares? Just a stupid validation rating for goobers. The kind of folk that hang around IGN, we're better than them.

They also didn't review the System Shock remake as well. It's amazing how lazy Gamespot is getting these days.

It really is embarrassing.

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#7 adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

@LJS9502_basic said:
@sargentd said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

On the side of sovereign and democracy? Yep.

On the side of proxy wars and a millitary industrial complex


Russia caused the war. Stop siding with Russia.

He's been a Russian apologist for some time. Guarantee he didn't have this energy for Iraq or Afghanistan. Disgusting poster.

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#8  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

Good. Let the clown show continue.

These republicans are like children in these positions, mentally unequipped for governance and understanding how things get done. and McCarthy was a piece of trash until the last moment, still blaming Democrats for his failure to keep his caucus together.

Imagine you losing everything you worked for because of Matt Gatez of all people. lmao

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#9  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts

Definitely some points of concern here worth exploring further, and in detail. I'd like to know what speech they'd like to make that worries them and whether those concerns are unfonded (or if their opinions are trash and not worth platforming). No, hopes of squeezing in a little light racism and mysoginy here and there won't be welcome anymore.

And yes, I 1000000% green light punching nazis and fascists, as we as a nation have been doing for about 100 years now. Seems like some of you forgot when your faves started showing tendencies. No, we don't make room for their opinions or ideas. I have no interest in tolerating the intolerant. We know where that leads and we've learned the right way to handle that. Deplatforming and these hands. They work quite well. Ask Milo and Andrew Tate.

If hate, denying the rights to others that you demand for yourself, and sowing division are your bag, you can GTFO right along with them.

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#10  Edited By adrian1480
Member since 2003 • 15045 Posts
@SUD123456 said:
@mrbojangles25 said:
@mattbbpl said:

@mrbojangles25: Yeah, it's not enough to make money hand over fist, or even enough to make more than you made last year. You have to make at least as much as you told investors you'd make last year, or you cut head out.

Yup. And the worst part is you can't speak ill of capitalism in public. I'm not even that big of a socialist despite how I act on here; I think a lot of capitalism has merit.

But it's not a perfect system. Doubly so for American capitalism. And unfortunately it's so entwined with our politics we can't have an open and serious discussion about it.

There is zero wrong with capitalism.

Capitalism fundamentally a system that, in practice, is about greed and endless growth. A system which invariably -- and consistently -- leads to oppression, a necessary poverty class, death and imperialism. When closely inspected, its speedy successes have almost always arrived secondary to some degree of slavery and/or indentured servitude (not surprising as it is a child of Feudalism). Corruption is a problem in all systems because humans are at the wheel, but that makes the problems in practical application that much more obvious. That's what Capitalism really looks like and its why organized labor is so critical. The failure of other systems has almost always been a function of the agents of Capitalism adding a thumb to the scale in a host of ways rather than their own merits not being sufficient.

I'm trying to imagine your book being practical and grounded in the real world and being meaningfully applicable (and somehow not complete trash). I'm having a hard time imagining it. Suggesting there is "zero wrong with capitalism", putting it on a pedestal as an idol and blaming its failures on "da politics" is like saying there's zero wrong with Communism if not for those darn politicians. It's a shockingly embryonic commentary.