I am sorry but everyone who bought mass effect, should just go full hog and sign up to anitas sarkeesians go fund me page and become a full fledged whipping boy for the feminist movement, even after all the warnings and news we were given , the racism and blatant sexism of the team, the betrayal of the old team(they were all pushed out as they ask for too much wages... which they deserved) the. poor quality of the product you all still bought it?? You guys suck. The new ME game was very bad, its a huge step backwards for the franchise.
None of the original creative team remains as they were fired or pushed out so ea can save money i mean they only spent 40 million on it. That is less than half what it should cost and thanks to you morons the will collect a billion dollars in sales , the game was made in the typical EA way of paint by numbers and you just rewarded them for it.
The only way to make EA listen to us was to vote with your wallet. Instead you guys just proved to the EA execs they were right to butcher the mass effect franchise to make profit over quality.
You have betrayed Casey Hudson, the Mass effect writers, the old team and commander Shepard., thanks to you Tali now cry's herself to sleep and all now new baby Krogans are born. I hope you are proud of yourselves. Your impatience and greed has destroyed any chance we had of getting a decent bio-ware game. From now on enjoy call of duty style bioware games....you just proved that that video gamers are sheeple , silly biased fanboys who will buy any crap as long as it has the right NAME. If you bought mass effect Andromeda , give yourself a pat on the back for castrating the industry. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!!
Right about now no one cares about the story of this game. Did they care about us fans? NO , so why should we care about them? I will never understand why Bioware Edmonton didnt make the game? Why on earth would they give the game to MOntreal the sjw capital of the world?
I love Mike Gambles quote " mass effect is too special; and important to me..." Well cant have been that special or important to you when you allowed brain dead kids to make the game instead of experience, creative adults.
I will say this however there was more tension and emotional weight (especially with sheps sad music in the back) in his little interview than in the whole of Andromeda...
@facts23: Ye i agree i felt cheated by fallout 4 , we waited so long for that game , i expected a game like fallout 3 except with more detail and more meaty story and characters. Instead we get a great start and then lots of repetitive game play :(
I find myself returning to f03 and new vegas , such was my disappointment. fo4 felt like they tried to hard to pander to the casual gamer. They lost something from f03/new vegas.
I dont even mind the graphics, they should have just made it more detailed and varied. The settlement crap gets old super fast. Unfortunately the settlement crap seems like a huge part of the game. At most there should only have been 2-3 settlements quests.
Stamina is increased by just running, working out in gym is just cosmetic and for learning hand to hand fighting abilities , not very important for the game, the game only requires you to visit the gym ONCE. ....don't talk smack about my gym, it was the best part of the game, as it added customization and realism !!
Coincidentally the Game(playing big bears creak dealer) was in this too as was chris penn the cop, james wood the Government dude , ice t the washed up rapper how can you not remember, you guys suck, i remember that without going imbd and i played it last 10 years ago rofl!!Stick to playing farmville Gta ain't for you!! noobs.
PS it does have locks on shooting /facepalm. well the original did.
Anyone know where the music in reality check is from? their theme tune i mean. Its been used in other places so i assume its areal song. i mean the song at 4:53.
i was so sad when mass effect ended, it was literally like a someone i knew died. It was like a feeling of emptiness for days afterwards. I knew that would happen to me i purposely avoided playing the ending fro as long as possible. Think mass effect games were just too short they leave you longing for more!! part 2 and part 3 were especially guilty of this. Part 1 at least felt more epic.
Dragon age inquisition DOES NOT DESERVE to win.Simply cause i cant play it :s even though i bought the damn game. Its sickening to me that its playable on xbox 360 but my pc some how is NOT good enough even though its only 2 years old :S Its because of the drm that i cant play it ( the drm requires a quad core cpu ).Its ridiculous requirements for a multi platform game. I hear even people who have uber rigs find the game unplayable. Guys with i7 and 3 way 980gtx sli struggle with this game what chance do i have??
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