I second the sabrecat! Fu** you gamespot with your sh*t reviews and your completely misogynistic journalism. All you have become is a site spewing click baits and hateful reviews of excellent games.
Halo MCC just got patched and so far it looks -very extensive-. Time will tell whether it rounds off the MP issues you ground the game into the dirt over in your off-beat review. If it is fixed, that review as i said there, is a useless pile of shite.
Good christ jesus why do I even BOTHER with this horse shite website any more? I said years ago i was going to stop using it. Then you lulled me back in with an introspective look at how rediculous your site is, aka Feedbackula. Oh but then you cancelled that then didn't you because you realised it was FAR TOO ACCURATE.....
This website should be delisted as a Metacritic contribution. Inaccurate review processes, biased journalism, click baiting nonsense and quite frankly ludicrois lack of integrity in regards to journalism ethics.
Also GS, you entirely missed THE POINT of this game's premise. Get stuffed.
I literally just picked this game up on my XO about half an hour ago. First impressions for people on the fence: beautiful narrative driven story game. Lovely visuals, wonderful charming characters, and a sense of weight and cultural importance that most other games don't even comprehend. The game feels like it means something real, flesh and blood connections between mankind. This is the story of a culture and people that are reaching out to the world to tell a story of their history and their way of life. Very worthwhile spending of one's time.
@CptMorgan21 @andrew_ribbons A lot of games have poor or faulty Multiplayer.
But Multiplayer isn't THE ENTIRE GAME. Everything SP and Co Op afaik is working perfectly well in this game. I have had little to no issues there. And that's a good 60% of what this collection is actually FOR. That Master Chief's story. Dropping the game from 9 to 8 because of that, is fair. But the one and only bad point he found was MP being glitchy at this current time. Dropping a series of games that got ~90% scores individually to 60% is utterly and totally nonsense review work.
@BoxOfPocky Actually if you enjoy these games what they've done with them is pure fan service. Offering 4 games with every single DLC ever madeand a full TV series they spent $80mil on in total, for a standard $60 is extremely good value for money. Take note Destiny developers....
Rating a game this low because of early-release multiplayer bugs is the biggest load of horse crap i've seen in journalism in quite some time. Yes, multiplayer issues are a ball ache. Yes, that means you should MENTION them in the review. Yes, it's a sign the game was a tad undercooked at launch.
What it does not detract from is an utterly wonderful collection of games spanning both culture and history. It does not take away that all four games in their current remastered forms are delightful and as contemporary as they need to be. They show up other shooters of this age in some seriously blinding light.
What this review does, is show how immature GS's review processes are becoming. In this day and age, early day MP issues are common. On a game project of this magnitude, it's hard to fathom how difficult getting ALL those MP engines and maps working together under one, smooth banner.
If 343 get their act together and release a good set of patches that smoothes everything out, this review is going to look entirely idiotic. As soon as that is the case, this review is utterly defunct, outdated and redundant.
While i disagree with 6.0, i wouldn't give it massively more. 7.5 is more how it feels, if only for it's sense of pure scale, the soundtrack and attractiveness of the level design. Mainly because this is a huge step down from the beautiful ILLUSTRIOUS worlds Bungie made with Halo, and how those stories were told properly. Not with this sense of...stripped down-ness that they've unfortunately achieved in Destiny Mark I. Hopefully, with some solid patchwork and very expansive (also Expensive) DLCs, they can recover somewhat from this misstep.
@Hiddeknight1 He's also incredibly biased and clearly leans towards certain game companies over others in many of his videos and discussions. He acts like what he's saying is irrefutable as well.
Gamespot is very very disappointing these days indeed. The sensationalism is getting out of control.
@analgrin @iniquitous @brdeftone Our price covers all relevant local taxes and add-ons however, that 14 cents per KWH most likely, as with all things in america, not include those neccessary payments. Regardless, mine is 14p per KWH and i can play my Xbox One for 8 hours on that money :D Pretty good. 115W under full gaming is superb, a mid-end GPU alone often uses more than that in a gaming PC.
@rolla020980 @McGregor The Wii U hasn't reduced power consumption at all, it's basically using half old Xbox 360 components in their 45nm editions, with the rest a slightly newer RAM and GPU than 360. It's absolutely bottom end hardware for today's standards, so of course it's going to use less power than a modern 8-core APU with 768/1152 GPU cores and a full ATX setup and hard drive.
andrew_ribbons' comments