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anton10000 Blog

Started work today.

Today I started a new job. I'm working as a teaching assistant at my school on Saturdays for classes their holding for kids aged 9-11. For £20 for two hours, that's not too shabby.

2009 starts with some iPod games.

With my new 120GB classic, I decided to pick up some games for my iPod.

Phase, Song Summoner, Spore Origins and Asphalt 4. Phase is so addictive it's unbelieveable.

I'm going to start a new format with my blogs, by doing months in reviews, just showing off what I got and what I finished, should be good!

Also, I finished Daxter on New Year's Eve. Excellent fun!

Fleeting moments of 2008 blog....

As I sit, here, writing this blog and listening to Freezepop's most recent album, Future Future Perfect, I take a look back at the last year. Frankly, I want to never think about 2008 again. Having suffered from a nervous breakdown and severe depression earlier this year, I'd rather forget 2008, but I know I won't be able to for years to come. Oh well. "If you live through this, I'll be amazed, and I will die for you."

Anyway, after that joyful paragraph, my GOTY 2008 is:

Rock Band.

Yes, the original, as it was released over here in May, so there we go.

Xbox Live Pickups.

So, I got some MS points today, and here's what I got:

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix: This game is pretty cool. Way too hard and overpriced, but I like it, but its not my fave version ever.

Rock Band Tracks:

Melatonin, Well Thought out Twinkles-Silversun Pickups

Ex-Girlfriend, Sunday Morning, Underneath it All, No Doubt


10 years to the day.....

Merry Xmas everyone! It's been exactly ten years today since I got my N64, which is still in perfect working order! I got a bunch of N64 games to celebrate, so that'll be cool once I get around to playing them!

2008 GOTY- Dash for Destruction, duh...

Been on Xbox Live today? No? Go do it now... Screw GTA IV, MGS 4, LBP or any of that junk, for the fantastic price point of Free, you can get a game where you play as a dinosaur stamping on Doritos delivery trucks.....oh yes!


Almost done with Ape Escape.

I first got Ape Escape in August 2007. I played the first level, and enjoyed it. Only did I pick it up again on Friday, December 2008. Whoops. Don't know why I didn't get back into it, because its only taken me a couple of days to get the last level. The last level is a bit of a beast though, so I'm going to have to take some time, but overall, I love the game, and will most definitely be writing a review within the next week.

Quest for The Split.

As you may or may not know, the latest Nine Inch Nails release was released for free from their website. So I decided to pick it up, as I'm starting to become really interested in NIN for their hardcore industrial sound.

I got the album, and listened to a few of the tracks, which I thought were pretty decent. I then mucked around a bit with the files, and then they couldn't be read. After a few hours, I was finally able to figure that I did need a Winzip program, and now I'm back, listening to 1,000,000 off the album. Well worth the effort I think.

Ripping through Rock Band 2 and Twilight Princess.

I think I way over gorged the first few days I had Rock Band. I'm now playing through all those setlists with the drums, and I'm going to try and do the endless setlist during my christmas holidays, which start in less than three weeks yay!

I've also started playing Twilight Princess again, I'm at the sky city at the mo, which I've been told is tricky, so I went to GameFAQs, and just got a guide for this section. Bemoan me you may, but I don't like being stuck on games, and with my huge backlog, I don't have the time to be stuck to be honest. I've now spent more time with Twilight Princess than I did with GTAIV, and I prefer TP more as well.