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anton10000 Blog

17th birthday.....

....was yesters, but I was really busy, so couldn't come online, woe is me. I got mainly cash, but I got the Rock Band Drum set from my Dad, which is super fun.

Tales of Symphonia....

So I've been trying to get through Tales of Symphonia, but every time I get past a point I'm stuck at, I always get stuck a little further on. This constant frustration is really starting to wear away at me. I love the battle system, but the story got far too complicateda while back, so all I have is the battle system....

I do want to finish it, but its becoming a bit of a slog.....

Gold Dust Woman

The single that I paid almost $30 for arrived in the post today. The Hole cover of "Gold Dust Woman" is epic!

It's only Tuesday, and I have to write 3,000 words for two homeworks for next week, and I also have a one hour English exam.

Whole load of new Rock Band songs.

Yay! Loads of new Rock Band songs!

Highlights of my purchases:

Crushcrushcrush - Paramore

Oasis Pack

Call Me, Hanging on the Telephone - Blondie

I picked up a few other songs 'cos they were in Guitar Hero I and II.

Got Sex and the City: The Movie on DVD.......mmmm, sexy.......

Bringing down the sky, and My Body, the Hand Grenade

I finished the Mass Effect DLC, Bringing Down the Sky last night. Final feelings? Mixed. Sure, it was great to have another slice of Mass Effect, but it was too short, and the final boss was underwhelming.

I got "My Body, the Hand Grenade" in the post today. Its a compilation album by Hole, and contains unreleased material, single releases, live and demo versions and even an outtake from Live Through This. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

Disaster Movie *sigh*

Yes, I went to see it. There were a couple of good points about it. Th actresses who played Juno and the princess from Enchanted were actually really good, but I like them anyway due to their excellent work on MadTV. Aside from those two, the rest was just awful, and I don't think I've cringed so much during a film before. A joke about Facebook? Groan...