aries8269's forum posts
Of course it wont rival the experience of the original design as that concept is deeply entrenched in the minds of many and wont easily be ousted because people are too rigid and inflexible. Some people wont even give GH:OT a chance because, "If you arent playing on a guitar, its not guitar hero and its a gimmick."
Strumming the strings on the touch screen will definitely be different and only have 4 frets instead of 5 will be a let down for many however what that does lend to is the medium setting of guitar hero with fret combos of hard and expert modes. Im looking forward to that challenge.
Here is an IGN report about this topic:
Honestly though, as per that report...I dont think it would work that well. It certainly would be interesting to see how they do it though if it actually becomes reality.
IF..and only IF, the PS3 original design (60gb) were to be priced at $400 then perhaps I would be interested in getting it. The original design had the hardware compatibility to play all PS2 and PS1 games. The 80gb version only has a software compatability (emulation) which means that some games wont play. The 40gb has no backwards compatibility would would be one of the major selling points for me.
It's original release was absolutely rediculous and I still think that $400 is too much for a proprietary gaming platform when you can get a fairly decent computer at that price.
It is probably a combination of both. This I know will be disputed however, the DS is the more successful platform of the handheld market. Granted, not all games on that list were well received however most of the games SE creates are usually must haves (not becuase it came from SE but because of the quality game). They have seen the success of the DS and have decided to run with it. That's not to say that the PSP isnt successful and we could very well see games from SE show up on the PSP like the FF1 and 2 remakes.
Now, as for their future plans and large idea. They may stick with the PS3 for their large project gaming ventures like with FFXIII *shrugs* who knows. As it stands, they are making a great deal of money off of their DS game division and will continue to do so because of the success and popularity of the DS. I would still welcome games on the PSP.
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