@dani_i89 @bbq_R0ADK1LL Are you kidding? I played Sleeping Dogs on PC with high res textures & gfx set to max & it was beautiful. That game has some of the best reflections I've seen in any genre. Some of the shop fronts had pretty nasty textures up close but overall I think it looked great. The markets gave the city a feeling of life, sure they weren't filled with Hitman Absolution levels of crowds but it reminded me of markets I've been to in Thailand.
Sleeping Dogs actually had some combos unlike Assassin's Creed plus the environmental kills gave it some flavour. It's not the most advanced combat system ever but it's not dissimilar to the Batman Arkham combat which critics seem to praise.
I do, however agree with your derision of Michael Bay. Screw that guy.
Sleeping Dogs was fantastic, Hong Kong was a really immersive city & the focus on melee combat was a nice change from other GTA style open world games.
I've yet to find an MMO that really grabs me though. Triad Wars is free to play so I guess I'll give it a go but my expectations are low.
Sleeping Dogs frequently goes on sale as low as $4.99 on Steam so it's well worth a try if you like sandbox games at all.
I think people who grew up on console games have very different preferences to people who grew up on PC games. I'm 30 & I have a lot of great memories of games I played in the 90's but due to budget constraints, a lot of games were played on friends' PCs. Other gamers of similar age to me love Zelda & Mario but I never played those so I have no nostalgia for them.
I think one of the problems with game development these days is that they feel they have to please everyone. If you niche down, you can makes games that a core audience will really love. Some smaller devs are doing this but the big publishers only seem to want to make blockbusters that have no real soul.
Also, stay out of the sun Danny. That Irish skin won't last long.
I have no idea what was going on with those airlift things but it was pretty hilarious. I didn't really enjoy MGS 4 much but this looks like it might be a good stealth game.
Why do I feel dirty every time Quiet is on screen though?
I really hope they don't put a reward in for killing elephants & crafting something from ivory. Hunting missions were a good diversion in FC3 (because how would you carry all that money unless your wallet was made of shark skin?) but the fun of killing endangered animals in a game perhaps desensitises people to the fact that the illegal ivory trade is actually a big thing.
Is that something we can talk about in games these days or are we too busy dehumanising feminists or something?
*Disclaimer: I definitely killed tonnes of animals in Far Cry 3. Also humans. I straight up murdered a bunch of pirates but to be fair, I was the great white saviour of the Rook Islands.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments