@Space_Paranoids I don't think it's a building for building replica. They've said that it's not a huge world like some other games because you won't be flying around over big empty spaces. Rather, they've tried to create a very dense world where you can have something to interact with nearly everywhere you go.
As for whether you want to give Ubi any money, it's up to you really. I'm not really a fan of what they're doing with all the piecemeal content & season pass & I'm certainly not a fan of how they've thrashed out Assassin's Creed games year after year but I'm really looking forward to this game. If you're planning on buying used anyway, I'm sure all the details you want will be known in time.
I have a friend who really likes this game. He refuted Angry Joe's review & said it's still worth playing.
I can't help but disagree. It's not a single player game so you lose all the benefits of that experience. It's an MMO but it discourages you from playing with others so you don't even get the benefits of the online experience. This is a full price game with a monthly sub that you could easily put to better use on all sorts of other games. Maybe they'll add more content & change the game, but they're asking for money now. A lot of money.
With the reviews it's received, I wouldn't even buy it outright if there was no sub. I would give this a try if it was FTP but I'm not the type to waste money on microtransactions. Basically I'm saying this game is worth $0 to me.
@ZEeduardo94 There was no gameplay in that trailer. It was pretty much all story build up. That trailer has given no further information about the machanics of the game or the moment to moment player interactions. Is this a turn-based combat game? Is it an MMO? Is it team-based combat with pausing, loot collection & character levelling? All these questions will have to be answered by other sources because there is literally no gameplay in the trailer.
It's mostly pre-rendered videos with a few clips from the in game engine. I know it says "actual game footage" but they've obviously removed HUD elements & this gives no information on how the game will actually play. (If you don't have a high end PC, don't expect it to look like that either).
It's a trailer. It's shiny & flashy, I get that. Just don't call it gameplay when there's no footage of someone playing the game.
@DrowNoble But the bonus pack! Don't worry about not knowing if the game is good, pre-order now so you can get extra content which you don't know if it's good either!
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments