If GS are going to keep making excuses about different reviewers having their own opinions, they should put up multiple reviews at launch.
I know that a review represents an individual's opinion, but clearly the majority of the audience sees it as "Gamespot's Review" or "IGN's Review". The reviewer may be an individual, but they have to recognise that their revire represents this site, not just themselves.
I don't really like shooters, so if I was to give my personal enjoyment opinion, I'd probably give it a 4 (I haven't actually played COD Ghosts, just guessing). However, if I was giving a proper review then I'd look at it's technical aspects etc. & give it a rating that people who actually like shooters could gain value from, while still acknowledging my own biases.
Ultimately, I think review scores need to die. Far more value can be gained from the content than a number at the end. The sad truth is that scores create controversy whether they are above or below expectation & that generates hits. If GS (and other sites) really want to show their integrity, then they should lose numerical scores entirely. I have a feeling that more than a few reviewers would be happy to make the change.
A pretty amazing achievement for a small New Zealand studio.
I put quite a bit of time into the beta but have been a bit busy to really get back into it since full release. If ARPGS are at all your thing, you should definitely try this game. Better than Torchlight 2 in my opinion & it's free!
@DJKrayz_basic Considering the store owner had already bought the copies from Activision & will probably purchase more with insurance money, I don't think Activision are the ones losing out here.
I don't really play games with friends. I've played a bit of Borderlands 2 & Farcry 3 in co-op because my flatmates also had the game & sometimes people sit & watch if I'm playing PS3 in the lounge, but 99% of the time I'm playing alone.
I know the trend is everything going online with tacked on multiplayer modes & microtransactions, but I'm all about the single player experience. Games like Battfield bear no interest for me because I know the campaign will be average at best &the main focus is on multiplayer which I can only tolerate for so long.
I'm intrigued by this DLC. I just really hope the story telling is more a part of the gameplay than Infinite. If there is some real investigation as part of the gameplay that would be good, but if it's simply killing stuff then I'm sure I'll lose interest quickly. There's no point in going into a city that feels "alive" if your only aim is to make everything dead.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments