I'm glad I stayed away from most of the hype for this game. I was getting sick of seeing trailers pop up every second week trying to spoil everything that's actually in the game.
Review looks good though, helps more than dozens of trailers & other hype.
@fernandofan08 @bbq_R0ADK1LL No, it was because they put all these puzzles in front of you that you couldn't solve yet because you didn't have the right gadget unlocked.
It ruins the sense of exploration when you see a puzzle on the map, make your way over to it & then find that it's actually locked off until some mysterious later point in the game.
I honestly think this series peaked with the first game.
Asylum was a good length, City was too long. City instantly put so many random puzzles throughout the city that it seemed impossible to solve all of them - and so I felt no compulsion to solve any of them. I know that game scored really well & a lot of people liked it, but I think a shorter & more linear story actually suits this sort of game better. A bigger sandbox or longer story doesn't necessarily add more value, once the maximum utlity is gained, it's like trying to finish a meal when you're already full.
Nevertheless I'll probably pick it up on Steam once it goes under the $15 mark. That seems like all this expansion is worth.
@joesguy @WingChopMasta That's beginning to become a real problem with so-called sequels these days. When games become annual releases, it's hard to innovate much. A team has likely started on the next game before the current one is even out.
If they marketed & priced it as an expansion, it wouldn't be so bad. But then how would they steal all your money
@Glongold @Falzonn It's a good idea, but still pretty subjective. I think the best way is to look at the actual content of the review rather than just the score & make the decision for yourself. If the content is lacking, that's when you can really complain.
@apnance I think there's a lot to be said for innovation. That's probably why it doesn't score too highly.
I think the content of the review is more important than the number at the end of it though. If you've never played a Batman Arkham game before or you're still not sick of the mechanics, then it's probably worth playing. For someone who plays a lot of video games (like a reviewer), I guess a certain type of gameplay can get old pretty quickly - even if it's just because you played too many games that aped the combat system of the original in the series.
Must be about time to start hyping Assassin's Creed 5 as well. Features more assassins! Also some stealth, but mostly running & fighting.
Watch Dogs 2! The first one is delayed, but don't worry - the second one will be even better. More hacking! Also now you can run around & fight with a sword, just like Assassin's Creed 5!
GTA VI! Now with bigger budget! Still just stealing cars & shooting stuff while cops chase you.
Half-life 3! Mostly disappointment. Also includes microtransactions.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments