Good to see some random people on Twitter are doing some fact checking, unlike so-called game journalists.
This is the second incorrectly reported minimum specs in a week. The last one was Battlefield 4. Not every rumour should be reported on, not without checking the source & the facts first.
I guess they're a bit busy fixing bugs at the moment.
It might be too late for me. I really wanted this on PC & I signed the petition but I gave in & pre-ordered it on PS3 for a hundred bucks & now I don't want to give them more money. Maybe if there are some really good mods... but I never bought Skyrim a second time for PC either, so probably not.
Looks good, I'll almost certainly pick this up on PC. Having said that, one thing is wrong...
I HATE 1st person perspective in stealth games! It just feels wrong. If I'm playing stealth I like to see what's around me. A 1st person game doesn't simulate peripheral vision well so 3rd person feels a lot better. In Dishonored it felt silly to be peering out from behind a wall & yet the AI couldn't see me even though my head should have been in full vision.
The next problem with first person games, particularly this one, is why are his hands always floating up by his face?
@lostn Only Pong & Tetris are games. I reject your 3D graphics. Games may not evolve. Story is for scrolls, not games (I don't belieive in books either).
Good news. Too bad about the touchpad etc. but perhaps that will come in time.
After emulating my Dualshock 3 for a while, I finally switched to a wired 360 controller when I couldn't open chests in AC3 (it just would not detect my stick movements properly!) 360 sticks are good & the triggers are snappy but everything else just doesn't quite feel right. The D-pad is horrible & I'm not really a fan of the offset sticks either.
It will be a while before I pick up a PS4, I'll wait for enough good exclusives to make it worth my while, but this is definitely a plus. The DS4 controller looks great.
I'm really excited for this, Sleeping Dogs was my personal GOTY for last year so I hope that a follow up can live up to it!
That Square Enix quote about online worlds is quite separate to the UFG announcement so I really hope that they don't turn it into some sort of silly MMO. Maybe having player drop-ins like Watch Dogs could work, but I really think this sort of title is best as a single player game.
I thought everyone knew that Spybox One was going to collect data.
It's obvious that they can't just stream out a live feed of HD video without you noticing it on your monthly bill, but gathering metrics was always going to happen with this device. As for "only if you agree too", has you ever actually read an EULA? It'll probably be in there with any online use. Sure you can not connect your Spybox to the internet, but then you've paid a lot of money for a product that you're not going to make use of half its features.
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