There are a few games with bad ports but overall, I get much better performance on PC. In the Witcher 3 the Xbone struggles to maintain 30fps at 900P. I easily stay above 60fps at 1440P or above 90fps at 1080P. That's with much higher graphical settings.
As for pricing, a decent PC is more expensive up front but games are cheaper so savings come down the line.
@howthegodzkill: Forza was an Xbone game that had a sub-par port to PC, only due to the MS cross-buy scheme. With MS's current direction, there are unlikely to be any Xbone exclusives that don't exist on PC in some form.
I want to like this but I can't help feeling it's going to be like Pirates of the Caribbean where they made a sequel with way too much Jack Sparrow.
I had high hopes for Suicide Squad but it turned out merely OK. I don't read a tonne of comics so I try to judge movies for what they are, not on some idea of what they should be. However I feel like Squad would have been a much better film if it was going to be R rated from the outset & wasn't just another sky beam threatening the world. Margot Robbie & Will Smith are absolutely the redeeming factors of the film but leaning on one character too much for a sequel is by no means guaranteed success.
@noirtenshin: Did you ever play the Wolverine Origins game? The story was just a few vignettes from the film but the gameplay was visceral & you actually got to tear chunks out of people. It's a good romp if you still have a PS3 or 360 lying around.
I jumped back into Skyrim a little bit (read: 20 hours) when the SE launched. It has surely got to be the worst remaster ever.
It doesn't actually support modern resolutions like ultrawide, you still have to manually set an SLI profile through Nvidia Inspector. It doesn't really update anything in the game & the first mod that everyone installs - SkyUI doesn't even work because there isn't a script extender yet. (OK, an older version of SkyUI will still work but not the latest version).
This edition makes sense for consoles, I played at least 180 hours on the PS3 & that was by far the worst version of the game. For PC, it's probably not worth installing if you already have a bunch of mods on the standard edition because many of them won't work in the new one.
Blood & Wine was amazing. The free patch that changed the inventory layout should probably be considered part of the expansion as well.
I replayed the base game on Death March with a few mods this year & finished up with both expansions. All other RPGs just don't quite feel the same after The Witcher 3. I feel like CD Projekt Red has really changed the standards I expect from games. They deserve all the accolades coming to them.
@ginobili1: Yeah, it seems like they've taken games like Overwatch & said, "this is multi-platform but it's best on PC". I can see why Dishonored 2 wouldn't make the list, even if it performed well enough for some.
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