At least they've limited it to a smaller range of vision (maybe it's a future version of Microsoft Hololens?) Watch Dogs 2 relies way to heavily on it, even Far Cry 4 had Caveman Vision because um... reasons. As long as they only use it for crime scene investigation or other specific cases, it should be OK but if they follow the current trend then that's a shame.
@slappy54: You don't have to hold up Quen. It's cool that they've made combat a bit more mobile though, Biotic abilities always looked cooler in cutscenes than in actual combat.
@Prats1993: Yeah, generally a bad PC port means it can't maintain a solid 60fps on good hardware. If we want to turn it down to 900P & lock it to 30fps like it runs on the potato box, it would probably be fine. That's just not acceptable once you have standards.
Occasionally a bad PC port means crashing & other crazy things but consoles are far from exempt to those sorts of issues.
This is a pretty awful ruling for consumers. Now that every publisher knows they can get away with horribly misleading advertising, sell a tonne of copies of their game & have no legal repercussions.
@sidonia809: So expect some paid costume DLC soon then?
That's a shame, the story & characters in FF7 were great. I've been oping for a more modern take on the FF formula though, a game that is fun to explore & spend time in but doesn't require countless hours of grind.
Hopefully it will get a PC release in a year or so & it's a more complete game by then.
The episodic release has killed the hype so much for me. I'm a long time Hitman fan but even at 50% off I'm still holding off picking it up for a while. I just haven't got the cash to buy every game I want to play right now & Watch Dogs 2 is more appealing at the moment.
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