@JediMasterJ42: Crusader Kings II is great. It's a few years old but they've been continually supporting it with game-changing expansions & patches. It's a steep learning curve but ultimately holds a lot more depth than Civ.
@wearelegion5000: He's a smart guy but his brand of entertainment isn't for me either. I think he mostly has a pretty young audience. I don't really care though, other people can like what they like.
@grin89: You're going to miss out on a lot of games if you don't like publishers who do sh*tty things.
I won't be the guy to tell you to drop your values but maybe boycotting pre-orders is enough. Picking games up a few weeks/months later at reduced price means you often get a better product for single player games anyway.
@Gravity_Slave: If I can beat a game in a weekend, I never pay full price. When I played on console, I rented & now I wait for Steam sales. I've bought a total of two FIFA games & never at full price.
As far as Titalfall 2 goes, I've heard the campaign is OK & I'd maybe pay $10 for it if I was in the mood for a shooter but multiplayer games don't really grip me. If I wanted competition, I'd go & play soccer.
What I don't understand is gamers who play just one game, whether it be COD or LOL or Overwatch. That would be like reading the same book every day or watching the same movie every day, just with a few scenes rearranged.
Goes to show just how broken Youtube's system is. The show had clearly licensed the music & they should be able to pre-emptively file the licensed music before uploading.
As for whether the show is actually worth watching... well the Doom music performance definitely is.
That combat looks interesting, very much an evolution of DA: Inquisition. They didn't show much party control though, I'll be very interested to see if there's a tactical mode with pause & character switching or instructions more similar to ME3 & The Bureau: XCom Declassified. It looks like there's some armour variety with the capability to mod items as well. Hopefully there's enough meaningful progression & playstyle customisation there.
I'm one of those people who didn't jump on the hate bandwagon for ME3's ending. I actually waited a bit & finished the game once the new extended ending was already in place. I felt like everything leading up to that point had it's own narrative wrap-ups & this 'ending' was kind of a different thing. Nevertheless I hope Bioware make sure that players feel like their choices matter this time round. You can usually trust them to deliver great characters & compelling short stories within the greater narrative but there's plenty to get wrong here so I can only hope they can deliver an amazing game when it all comes together.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments