@BassMan: First of all, your name is good. Unless it's fish & then I don't care.
Secondly, I think you're mostly right but anyone with a 3DS or a Vita probably carries a bag anyway. It's probably a good upgrade for anybody already into portable gaming but I very much doubt it's going to be "game changing" because most people already have a smart phone in their pocket & they only play games because thhey happen to be on a device they've already paid for that is useful for other things.
@BeefoTheBold: But now you can stop playing basketball to play fake basketball on a tiny screen! You can take the Switch to all the cool rooftop parties you go to & show off to your friends!
I agree that this is going to be a tough sell to both hardcore & casual gamers. Casual gamers are likely only playing on mobile because they already have a smartphone in their pocket. It's a device they've already paid for because it's useful for other things. In terms of the more dedicated audience, most modern games require a player's full attention & are better suited to the couch or the desk than the line at the bank. Not to mention always online components & power-hungry visual effects.
Handheld systems are still huge in Japan & it will likely sell well there but if there isn't immediate wide adoption in the West, it will go the way of the Vita. ...Which is fine if you want to play nothing but JRPGs but not great if you thought this was a replacement for a PC or a real console.
@gralvader: You're right, it's not going to expand the audience anywhere near what the Wii did. Literally anybody with eyes & arms could play Wii Tennis.
This is very much a portable console that happens to plug into a TV really easily. Portable gaming isn't huge in Western markets outside smart phones so maybe they think they'll tap into that market but it's going to be hard to convince people to carry around an extra hunk of metal & plastic in their pocket.
Hard to tell much from Gamespot's horrible video player but it's looking pretty good. I was kinda hoping they'd be able to up the NPC count so the world feels a bit more populated but it doesn't look like they've done that at this point. That would be icing on the cake though, as long as it runs smoothly, I'll be happy.
I would never buy or even recommend Alienware. They're overpriced & tend to skimp on quality components where they think people won't notice. many consumers will look at the GPU & CPU but they won't know to look for a decent PSU. Most pre-bulit systems only focus on the elements that sell & Alienware doesn't appear to be any different.
Those textures definitely look a lot nicer than console versions. I just hope it's well optimised & runs smoothly. They have said it will have SLI support which is already better than Mafia 3. I'm hanging out for a good open world game since Mafia failed to launch in a playable state, I'll be watching for port reports.
@UnrealPro: GTA V launched with single player only & launched an extremely flawed online mode several weeks later. It was a long time until it was in a playable state. Reports are already saying they're about to get it up & running again, hopefully it will be enabled for the PC release.
I'd really like to try a mechanical keyboard but there's no way I'm giving up my Logitech 510S.
The LCD screen combined with Aida64 trumps everything. (Sorry to anyone triggered by the word, "trump"). The ability to monitor framerate, temperatures, frequencies, VRAM load etc. is something that just can't be done in any mobile app or even as well in a second monitor.
It's like a dashboard in your car, you don't have to stare at your speedometer the whole time but it's really good to know if your revs are too low or your oil temp is too high.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments