@Keitha313: I disagree. Based on the pre-release developer interviews & promo material, it seems like there were a lot of guys really passionate about the music, the setting & the characters. The lack of side activities was intentional, they didn't want Lincoln going fishing in the middle of his rage-fueled journey of revenge. Everything was supposed to contribute to his ultimate goal.
What's clearly lacking is talent and/or time. It's a buggy mess. Missions are repetitive because they only had time to copy-paste objectives rather than give each one the attention it needs.
They're boasting about their sales compared with low review scores... do they remember that they put an embargo up so most reviews only came out after consumers had already been suckered into pre-orders & launch day sales?
I'm only upset because I hate seeing good games get pushed out the door in this kind of state. I'll pick it up eventually but I'm disappointed it won't live up to what it could have been.
I hope it's a good port, the first game ran pretty well. I'll be waiting for solid info before putting any money down though, I'm not a fan of Bethesda's new review policy.
Valve is slow but at least they're finally moving forward on stuff like this. I'm not sure this will prevent the next No Man's Sky from happening but it's a good step.
@deviltaz35: Yeah, I was really hoping they'd bring out an 8GB variant & the 980Ti wasn't out yet when I upgraded. I keep an eye on my VRAM usage though & only a few recent games have come close to maxing it out. I know the last 500MB is slower but I haven't noticed any hitching, otherwise I would turn settings down.
I'm still happy with the performance I'm getting so I'll probably wait for an 1180Ti or something.
@hawkensha: 1080P60 is minimum standard my friend. And a "just barely gets there" system today is a 1080P30 system by the time you can afford the next upgrade. Anything that just pulls in at 1080P 60fps is a budget build.
The GTX1060 is still a valid card but it's more of a low-mid end rather than the high-mid 1070.
It's also worth noting that modern cards don't really stretch their legs until they hit 1440P. It's a lot easier to render more pixels & take advantage of a higher pixel density by turning down AA than it is to crank 16X AA at 1080P.
@tonyleo01: What cards do you have? 2 of them can't get 60fps at 1080P?
I'm running 2 GTX970s & I can get 60+fps at 1440P. I tend to turn down AA a bit since pixel density is pretty good at 1440P 27" & because I can actually take advantage of higher framerates with my 165Hz G-Sync panel.
With the direction Nvidia is going, I don't think I'll go SLI in my next upgrade but I'm happy with the decision I made with the options at the time.
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