I'm kind of glad the PC version is delayed by a couple of weeks. It means the console guys can play test it for a couple of weeks & I can get idea of whether or not the game is actually good. Performance on PC will be another big factor but I really hope it's good. Mafia 3 wasn't worth picking up on launch so I'm really hanging out for a good open world game.
@404FredNotFound: I agree that they should have mentioned the poor PC port in the review. Sure, these bugs might get fixed but it's important to report on the launch state.
@nl_skipper: When I played through Torchlight 2, I didn't know I just just beaten the final boss until a message popped up telling me I could start a NG+. ME3 wasn't that bad.
I think ME3 had lots of "endings" to stories, lots of outcomes for different characters. Even the devs said they saw the final few hours as the ending, not simply the 3-way choice you get to make at the end. I think viewing it this way is a little more satisfying.
I think a lot of people are confusing violence with gore.
A scene where a character punches a guy a bunch of times & then throws him into a building but then he only has a blood nose is still more violent than say, a boxing scene where a guy gets punched a few times but his face is all messed up which is more gory.
The US in particular has really weird standards when it comes to violence in movies. Showing violence without consequence gets a PG-13 rating while showing the consequence gets an R. It's like in Skyrim where you can't kill children but you can beat them with a club forever. It's such a strange standard.
I think everybody is a little distrustful after the first game. I really enjoyed Watch Dogs despite its faults but pre-ordering is a dangerous game these days. PR companies are getting pretty good at making OK games look great.
@pongley: Thanks, I might try that. Turning G-Sync off works but turning it off for only this application through Nvidia Inspector didn't so maybe capping the framerate will be more effective.
It would be great if they could fix G-Sync compatibility. This is the first game I've come across that doesn't work with it on. Framerates spike up above 70fps & then plummet to down to 8, that's completely unplayable.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments