@Vojtass: 100 hours in to Crusader Kings II I was still just coming to grips with the game, even after watching tonnes of LPs with experienced players. Civ is so much easier than CK II or EU IV.
@stat84: Best to just jump in. You'll make plenty of mistakes but keep going & get to more modern tech levels so you can make mistakes there too. On Prince difficulty you can probably still manage a victory, even as a newbie. Then begin your second playthrough, learning from all your mistakes feels great.
@Fartman7998: Cultural Victory isn't too hard, that's how I won my first Civ VI game. Just build plenty of culture buildings, put points towards artists & musicians with the Great People wild cards & send archaeologists to collect artifacts.
There's not a lot of visual feedback from your cultural output but you can monitor it in the Victory Types tab.
@TigusVidiks: It's a little obtuse at first but the AI does have reasons for declaring war.
If you look at the Relationships tab in Diplomacy, you'll see a bunch of +/- modifiers. Depending on a number of factors, some of these might appear as "Unknown" but over time you'll learn that some leaders respect a strong navy, others like leaders on the same continent & things like converting cities has consequences too.
There are definitely a few bugs & a few balance tweaks to be made but I've put 28 hours in so far so I wouldn't call it unplayable.
@iandizion713: I'm not sure this is "partnering". Sony & Microsoft use AMD hardware, Nintendo uses Nvidia hardware.
Where did you get 4K streaming from? This article only predicts a 1080P screen max. It might be able to do a pass-through 4K stream for Netflix etc. but I don't believe they've advertised anything like that yet.
@jski: To be fair, there have been a number of changes in those advance copies, plenty of fine tuning has been done.
The opening turns in Civ are always fun but I'm a little concerned about how the mid-late game will turn out. I don't think the review in progress has anything to do with devious motives though. If you truly think that Gamespot is that corrupt then why do you bother coming here?
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