I can deal with a certain amount of variability in my framerates, what I can't tolerate is being locked at 30. Devs should let people utilise their hardware to get the best experience possible, locking the framerate has never been something PC gamers are OK with.
@jyml8582: The game looks good, it's just the optimisation that's unacceptable. I'll be happy to give them my money if & when they actually fix it.
Deus Ex ran well enough for me on two 970s when I turned a few settings down so it's not necessarily a poorly optimised game but there's no good reason why you shouldn't be able to max it out on your rig.
@yeah_28: I don't know about you but if somebody's shooting at me, I would prefer to take cover rather than running up to their face, hoping my bullets kill them first. FPS games don't feel immersive to me at all.
I recognise that it's highly subjective but the first person perspective always feels false for me. It doesn't accurately reflect a person's peripheral vision & the ability to understand what's going on around them. The third person perspective maybe goes too far but in a power fantasy game, I don't want to see less than I already can as a non-gun toting badass.
A lot of cover shooters are pretty lazy & slide into combat that's way too easy & doesn't innovate much on what's gone before but overall I prefer it.
@haunteenhein: Your ability to read sarcasm operates at a much lower refresh rate.
@nl_skipper Actually that's only 97.97% fact because in North America it's still rendered in the old analogue system of 29.97fps. You're lucky though, in much of the world nature is only 25fps.
@sam628: You have no idea what you are talking about.
A lower framerate means less information at slower intervals. In an interactive medium, that makes a huge difference. That has very little to do with interlaced versus progressive scan.
@Xristophoros: Like NFS Rivals perhaps. That game was capped to 30 because "it needed stability for the Alldrive system" but it actually ran perfectly fine at 60. It wasn't even hard to mod, it was literally one line of code to change.
I like that all the activities actually tie into Lincoln's overall goals. Watch Dogs made a huge misstep with having all these silly VR games when Aiden was supposed to be on this revenge fueled rampage with urgent things to do. GTA is less thematically dissonant with it's side activities but I was still waiting for a way to cheat in tennis or beat your opponent to death with a golf club when you lose.
@angrycreep: Actually most reviewers don't like all their hard work being whittled down to a single number. GS reviewers have talked about it in the past.
The reason they still give games a numerical score is because it gets hits. People keep coming back to argue about how it deserved a 7, not an 8 despite them never having played the game.
If readers/viewers have to actually pay attention to the content of a review, then they can make decisions like, "OK it's an open world filled with fetch quests but I actually don't mind those so I'll buy the game" or, "this looks like a polished experience but it's pretty short so maybe I'll wait for a discount". When there's a score, many people don't bother using it as an actual tool in their purchasing decision & instead come to fight about how the hard working devs "deserve" a 9 because this is their favourite franchise.
Review scores allow people to bypass intelligent analysis & skip directly to arguing about that score. I give review scores a 4/10.
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