@Born_Lucky: How do you know what the game mentions? It's not out yet.
I'm sure there's some inaccuracies & maybe you're just trying to correct the record but you sound super racist & nobody's going to listen to you. Somehow I don't feel like you're actually concerned about their living standards right now as much as you are with defending the history of white people.
"A .22 caliber revolver inflicted gunshot wounds", that's such a weird way of saying he was shot by a guy. Guns don't kill people... unless they're transformers.
@forester057: It might have been wise for him to get somebody else to use it & ask about their experience. For people who do get VR sickness, it's useful to know that this won't be the device that's the exception.
@Iemander: Score on games are dumb. Giving a score here would be worse.
A review should state the facts about a product & give some subjective impressions. The reader/viewer should be able to make up their own mind based on the information in the review, not on an arbitrary score at the bottom of the page.
They're talking like this is the first ever game set in a version of New Orleans. Does anyone remember Infamous 2?
Also, Gamespot - your video player is awful, video constantly chugs while audio plays fine. I have to watch everything on the youtube channel now. The comments section there is a horrible cesspit, as you know. Please do something.
@yukushi: True, The Witcher 3 has changed the landscape. We expect better from open world games now.
Given the nature of this world, I don't think there are going to be a lot of other humans around to have interesting stories & reasons to give you quests. It's probably going to be, "Wow, that's a big dino-monster-bot! How do I defeat it? Maybe if I just collect these things, I can craft a do-dad to bring it down."
I can only hope the gameplay will be compelling but I think this is going to be a more traditional open world collectathon rather than having literally every activity being story-driven like the Witcher was.
The headline should be, "Dishonored 2 Pre-Order Makes Everyone Else Play the Game a Day Late".
The first game was great & this one will probably follow suit but this pre-order stuff is nonsense. I'll be waiting for reviews & a PC port report before I drop money on any game. If the pre-ordering suckers can beta test the game for me then I only hope that the devs get a patch out for the more discerning customers.
Great. AC Syndicate was a return to form compared to Unity but it still recycled a lot of old gameplay mechanics & didn't really bring anything new to the plate. Far Cry 4 was just more Far Cry 3 & Primal somehow managed to make a game out of the Shangri-La side quests from 4.
If these games are going to continue, they need to seriously shake things up. Taking a break from the annual release schedule is good but I hope they can make some genuine changes rather than simply putting a new skin on the same mechanics we've seen in virtually every Ubisoft game in the past 5 years.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments