@pspearman: Not entirely true. Rise of the Tomb Raider launched with only DX11 & introduced a DX12 mode several weeks later.
Secondly I'm fairly sure there's no better or worse DX12 support, it either is compatible or isn't. The GTX970 literally says DirectX 12 on the box. It's a matter of optimisation.
@mattji104: There is an unlimited framerate setting so if you have the appropriate hardware, you can get above 60fps. UWP still has problems but it looks like it's no longer forcing V-Sync.
@marksparr: Digital Foundry's coverage of this game hasn't been great actually. They call it a good port despite it not running well on hardware even one generation old. Their charts max out at 60fps when the game does actually allow unlimited fps. They don't even mention the fact that SLI isn't supported. UWP makes it a lot harder to run traditional benchmarking software but CPU usage is definitely something you can look at so it would be good to know if there is a fix.
This looks like a fun game but unfortunately it's an absolute "no buy" for me since I can't use both of my GTX970s to get the performance that's required to run it properly.
@Zombie8814: I enjoyed Watch Dogs. Sure it failed to meet people's sky high expectations but it was still a good game.
It definitely suffered from repetitive missions in the same way that the first Assassin's Creed did but if you enjoy open world GTA-style games then it's worth playing. It took me around 80 hours I think & as much as I like to a be a completionist, I've stopped playing many games but this one was worth sticking with.
Basically I think if you go in with realistic expectations, you might find that you enjoy it. If you can find it on sale, it's worth a jam.
Ubisoft is already too big a corporation. Getting absorbed into an even bigger one can't be good for games.
If Guillemot thinks Ubisoft is a risk taker, he's deluded. They find a system that people like & then cram it into every single game. I'd like to see more diversity from Ubi published games so that it doesn't feel like I'm playing the same thing over & over again.
@cornbredx: I disagree entirely. How do I Thumbs Down this comment?
Jokes aside, I think downvotes have a place. The internet will always find a way to use a system in ways other than the developer intended. At least Valve is trying to do something about the blatantly fraudulent reviews even if they can't control people just writing dumb reviews.
@sladakrobot: Just noticed some of the footage in the video. If they've just copy-pasted assets from their last game, that's a bit lazy. Or maybe they just don't want to confuse the poor Americans who can't even find Australia on a map.
@rasterror: Having a Wii U like controller that can be used on the go seems like the next logical step. Resolutions & framerates will depend on the hardware & the games but for the handheld portion, the best performance comparison is mobile phones. Without a battery bank, a 1080P screen is only going to last a few hours & it might get pretty warm.
@dynamitecop: I've addressed this in another reply but Gamespot had easily quotable line that was in accordance with the general consensus that the 480 is not a 4K card. My sources for information are far more varied.
PC Gamer tested the RX480 (5.8 teraflops) & it only averaged 28.7fps over 15 games. The 390X may have just been able to run 4K games on release but a couple of years later, it will already be falling behind. The new Vega GPU may find some efficiencies but seeing how MS have told us it will be a 6 teraflop card, it's still going to have similar power to these two. Consumers buying a new console don't want to play last year's games really well, they want to keep playing games for the next 5 or more years.
These cards are barely scraping in at 30fps with minimums dropping even lower. Console makers should be focusing on a 60fps, smoother & more responsive experience. They should leave some headroom to actually keep up so that the console isn't outdated by the time people pay off their credit card. The current generation is underpowered which is why we're getting this mid-generation update. If they're aiming at 4K, they're going to be underpowered again. If they aim at 1080P 60fps, gamers can get a great experience on the TV they have instead of a sub-par experience on the TV Sony & others want to sell them. If somebody wants to game at 4K, they should be looking at PC - if they think they can get 4K gaming on a console budget, they're kidding themselves.
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