@G4mBi7: @jimmythangdoes have a tech background & while I agree that the RX480 is probably not the best equivalent, even picking the cheapest stuff on PC Part Picker, I get a similar cost when you include a motherboard & PSU.
To be fair, the Pro can probably run something like Journey at native 4K but any AAA game is going to be upscaled. I think it's pretty disingenuous to call is a 4K machine, it seems more like a pitch to sell Sony TVs.
@Utnayan: Some new 4K TVs are 120Hz, but not all. Many are only 60Hz native with post processing to "fake" a higher framerate.
The real problem is the number of steps in between. If the framerate is variable & the display is jumping between 60, 90 & 120Hz, there's going to be a lot of screen tearing & not a great gaming experience. That's why G-Sync is so great on high refresh rate panels.
@heydink: If you play a game at 1080P & then go to Youtube to watch footage of that game at the same resolution, you'll notice that the video has a lot of compression & is a much 'fuzzier' image compared to the game.
It's good to see someone doing testing before spouting their opinions of what they can & can't notice but I suggest you try with some less compressed media.
@drizzygadget: PC is all about options. Sure, you can spend thousands to get a baller system but you can also start with a budget build & upgrade over time. You can play with keyboard & mouse on a high framerate monitor or with a wireless controller & an HDMI cable running to the TV for the console-like couch experience if that's your jam. You can spend more up front & reap the savings from cheaper games on Steam sales or from other retailers such as Greenman, GOG or Humble Bundle.
Console is the simpler option, not the better one. If you just want to put a disc in & play, if you only play a handful of games a year, I can see why you would choose a console. If you want any amount of choice in how you play your games, PC puts the power in your hands.
@Myron117: I feel your pain. I bought a house about a year ago but luckily my 2 GTX970s are still going strong. I might upgrade next year... I just won't eat for a month.
Similarly, I abandoned my PS3 after an insanely buggy Skyrim experience & I've been PC gaming ever since. I didn't sell my PS3, I just left it to rot... it doesn't work anymore.
@motopram: The rising tide lifts all ships. Unfortunately I don't think this raises high enough. As a PC gamer, I was hoping for a lot more. As a gamer who sees that Sony has a few great exclusives which might eventually be worth picking up a box for, I am sorely disappointed. PC gaming has raised my standards too high.
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