@smokerob79: I agree but I don't think we're going to see a huge difference from the current Polaris cards.
As I've said in one of these other strings of replies, my argument is that they should focus on a solid 1080P 60fps experience & let devs push the new visual technologies like volumetric fog, ray-traced lighting & more. The Scorpio might just squeeze in at 4K 30fps but they're going to have to sacrifice things to get there.
People say they don't notice the difference between 60 & 30fps but the real difference is in the feel of the game. A game running at a higher framerate just feels more responsive. You're seeing information sooner & seeing the result of your interaction sooner. If they do get to 4K, and I still have my doubts, the sacrifices won't be worth it. Most people have a 1080P 60Hz TV & that's where consoles should aim to deliver a great experience. I you want to do 1440P or 4k well then you should look at a PC where you have more options.
@javy: Sorry for letting too many facts get in the way of your Utopian gaming fantasy. Don't worry, just keep giving Sony and/or Microsoft all of your money & let them make the decisions for you. The next console you buy will play Call Of Duty 69 just fine, with all the Ks you want. 4 of them? Sure. HDR? Haha they said, "D". Like dick. Ha ha.
@Attitude2000: They've told us the Scorpio will be 6 teraflops. The RX480 is the same architecture & does 5.8 so it's a pretty close comparison. I don't doubt that they could make an expensive box that could run 4K, it's just that the specs they have released tell us they're not going to.
@wayneextremity: Hey dude, I can't find the Digital Foundry article you're referring to but I do sub to their Youtube channel. My knowledge base actually comes from channels like Linus Tech Tips, Jayz2Cents, Paul's Hardware, Gamers Nexus & more, I just thought the Gamespot article had an easy quote I could link that was in line with the general consensus.
Teraflops output isn't necessarily the best metric to compare across platforms but within AMD Polaris GPUs we're looking at PS4 Pro having 4.2 teraflops, the RX480 at 5.8 & the Scorpio with 6 (maybe on Vega). The RX480 is just behind the Scorpio but well ahead of the PS4 Pro. It doesn't perform well at 4K.
Comparing the 6.5 teraflop performance of the GTX1070 doesn't really show how well it outperforms the RX480 in games. PC gamer compared average fps over 15 games & the 1070 gets 44.4 fps whereas the 480 sits at 28.7, based on this the Scorpio might just manage to hit 30fps with the right settings & good optimisation, the PS4 Pro will not. My argument is that they should really be targeting 60 & not have to turn down every setting to just barely scrape in at 30fps.
Yeah, look forward to running games like Abzu at 4K. For AAA games with particle effects, advanced lighting and detailed models... no. Just no. The closest thing to the Scrorpio's proposed power is the RX480. It's an AMD Polaris card rated at 5.8 teraflops. Look at any benchmark, it doesn't perform well at 4K. To quote Gamespot's review of the card, "the RX 480 was not a card designed for 4K, and it shows."
Both Sony & Microsoft should really stop misleading consumers because it's going to bite them in the arse. Most people are still gaming at 1080P with a 60Hz panel so they should focus on achieving a solid experience there rather than pushing a sub-par experience at 4K (even if it means selling a few Sony TVs). The RX480 can run today's games at 1080P60 for the most part (as can the GTX1060 from Nvidia) but it will still drop behind in a couple of years, assuming developers continue to push the medium forward. Consoles using cards with similar specs (or lower in the case of the PS4 Pro) shouldn't be claiming that they can perform at 4K because realistically you'll need a $700 card like the GTX1080 to run games at 3840X2160 with 60fps in some games.
Sorry but numbers don't lie. You can optimise to the console all you like but you're not going to suddenly render four times the number of pixels at zero cost.
@whateverdude: Unfortunately I don't have control over such things on my work PC. The flash player does sometimes crash on GS though so it's probably a significant contribution to the issue.
@whateverdude: It's been bad for a long time but in the past few weeks the video has become literally unwatchable. I've got Intel HD Graphics 4600 on an i5 4570S, it shouldn't be this bad.
I really have to keep complaining about this video player. My work PC just cannot handle it. I'm not kidding when I say it slows down to about 3fps at times. I can play 4K video through Youtube but not HD on Gamespot. It's a real problem.
Maybe you don't care but your video advertisers should. Their ads aren't fairing any better.
Logitech makes some pretty great peripherals in the top end of their lineup (and some fairly decent budget stuff too) so it will be interesting to see if they just rebrand Saitek gear or if they can make some improvements.
At some point I think I'm going to want a joystick of some sort for Star Citizen & the mid-range HOTAS offerings are pretty uninspiring. Hopefully Logitech can find a way to make a reasonably priced HOTAS that still has good accuracy & won't fall apart at first touch.
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