@hover389: I think comparing teraflops within the AMD Polaris architecture is a good metric.
As soon as you look at Nvidia vs AMD, there's going to be different technologies at play which will bring out performance differences, depending on the game. Comparing previous generations of AMD tech probably won't scale well either although the Fury X does bench higher than the 480 which reflects it's higher teraflop output.
@neo-rtsd: Yeah but that would involve people buying TVs that don't exist. It's great to have the option on PC but it's not going to happen on console.
@slypher9: A GTX1080 or new Titan X can do 4K 60fps in some, but not all modern games. But that's still a graphics card that's like twice the price of the whole console. Neither the Scorpio or the PS4 Pro will even hit 30fps at 4K. They will be able to stream 4K video so you can Netflix & chill all night long but don't expect any games to run at 4K unless they're severely kneecapped.
@jeepguy16: They do talk about reaching resolutions "not thought possible" on consoles in 2016. 1080P is already possible. I sounds like they're talking about 4K but without any concrete assertions, I agree, it's a bit suspect.
The RX480 is a 5.8 teraflop AMD Polaris card & it does OK at 1080P but still falls short of 60fps in games like The Witcher 3 & The Division. It fails to reach 30fps at 4K in any modern game (graph right here). The Xbox Scorpio is promising 6 teraflops while the PS4 Pro is only promising 4.2. I'm prepared to be proved wrong but at this stage, the numbers tell us that 4K prospects aren't looking good.
@howthegodzkill: I agree about Tom Hardy being an odd casting choice. He just seemed too young.
Max is supposed to be a guy who was around before the apocalypse while most of the other characters were born afterwards. Hardy did a great job but he just seems to young for the role. I understand that Gibson has grown out of favour these days but I think it could have been a great comeback.
@pongley: Yeah but the first Mad Max movie wasn't actually very good. It was just a few guys driving motorcycles & police cars in some desert town. The classic Mad Max post apocalyptic style wasn't really introduced until it's sequel.
Some very quick googling tells me that it actually cost $350,000 while The Road Warrior ramped up the budget to $4 million & Beyond the Thunderdome was $12 million. Still low budget compared to many Hollywood blockbusters but not quite as low as you were saying.
I'm a long time Hitman fan but I really can't get behind the episodic model. This game is still in Early Access as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully once this last ep is out, it will be worth playing.
@Ellimem: That's kind of an inherent problem with budget builds. A medium-high level build can easily get an extra lease on life with a new GPU after a few years. A slow CPU or a motherboard that isn't compatible with the latest transfer speeds can bottleneck new gear, meaning you don't get the full value for your money if you want to upgrade.
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