@iandizion713@dribblesbarbax: Especially the monitor, this is a VR build. If you can't find an old monitor lying around or hook it up to a TV, it won't be hard to find something cheap second hand.
A cheap mouse & keyboard is all you need to begin with as well. As a VR build, you'll be using the controller that comes with the unit. There's always an upgrade path to nicer gear down the line but it's not necessary at all for an entry level build.
I don't know what to say about the roof though... do they sell PC Master Race branded umbrellas?
I'm sure your advertisers will be happy to know their video is playing at about 8 frames per second due to your awful video player. I only wish the actual video I came to watch was any better. Seriously, my work PC can't handle it.
A fond farewell to Gamespot's great video content.
Danny has really revitalised this site with shows like The Point & his fresh take on The Lobby. Actually a lot of the talent behind GS's videos have departed over the last couple of years. I really hope they've got some fresh talent waiting to take the reigns & make more amazing videos.
@Mogan: Yeah, but even though I trusted CDPR to make quality expansion content, I waited til it was actually out before paying for it. I trust 2K a whole lot less & we don't know if this "extra story content" is something the devs are committed to or if some B Team is being forced to do it because every game has to have a season pass.
Mafia 3 is looking like it will be great & the devs have put a lot of soul into it. DLC (or expansions) can be pretty patchy. Only suckers pay up front.
@sonofdark18: It's ironic how all their plans to get people to pay for DLC up front end up with delayed sales. I'm the same with Fallout 4, I'm waiting til there's actually a complete package to buy.
@sakaixx: Free DLC is more of a PR move than adding real value. Releasing a piece of DLC every week sounds cool but most of it could probably be released on day one. As for expansions, The Witcher 3 ones were great... we'll see if Mafia 3 ones are up to standard of if they're just filler that the publisher made them produce because every game has to have a season pass these days.
The main game looks really promising but DLC plans are not a selling point for me. Borderlands 2 had some good DLC but that doesn't mean I trust 2K enough to pay for content up front - Remember Aliens: Colonial Marines?
@Gelugon_baat: Embedded videos within the article I don't mind. If it's at the top where a video review would normally sit, I get annoyed. Especially when I have to sit through some ad for something I'll never want, only to see a video that chugs on my work PC.
I understand that ads keep this website running but there are ways of doing it without annoying your readers/viewers so much.
I don't know why everyone is suddenly asking for remasters. First people complained about lack of backwards compatibility from consoles, now they're happily paying inflated prices for old games to be slightly improved & run on new hardware. The Mass Effect games aren't even that old, they don't need remastering.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments