or you can just reset the game and start from the last checkpointMagical_Guy
Of course they could implement an auto save function during your characters death that would keep you from cheating the system and forcing you to make a choice.
I'm still trying to figure out why everyone thinks TC is comparing MP3 to Halo 3. :? The topic says MP3>Halo not Halo 3. And yes I have Halo 1 and 2 I also have MP3 and without a doubt MP3 kills the first Halo in single player mode and controls imo. I absolutely love the Halo series but what the Wii mote has done with MP3 I just don't know if I can play FPS again with a controller.
WTF is up with people, some celebrity is seen playing a games console and suddenly that makes it more appealing to you? The phenomenon of celebrity endorsement selling products is, for me, the ultimate 'sad' for the human race. Come on people, stop worshiping a bunch of overpaid glamour seeking drama queens just because they appear on your gogglebox.
Also TC, you being the biggest Wii fanboy I know, should be ashamed of the games lineup it has right now regardless of your blind love for Nintendo.
MP3, LOZ TP, Super Paper Mario, and RE4 are all AAA to me and most of the gaming community outside of Gamespot. With Brawl, Galaxy, No More Hero's, Fire Emblem and Batallion Wars 2 to go this year the Wii's lineup is a steller one.
Sure MP3 could be good but in Europe we have to wait for the release, LOZ was just a rehash with tacked on controls and got the score it deserved, Paper Mario wasgoodbut RE4 is just another rehash of a game I played through 4 times last gen. The rest aren't out yet and could be good or not. So actually you have 2 games there which compared to the 360 or PC lineups is pretty pathetic.
And how long has the Wii been out compared to those two? Of corse it's not going to have as many games.
My got or had list... Atari 2600, NES, TURBOGRAFX-16, SNES, Sega Genisis, SegaCD, Sega 32X, Then I got into PC gaming so I skipped a few consoles, Game Cube, Xbox, PS2, Xbox 360, Wii, GBA and a DS.
If it did come to the Wii I would be faced with a very tough decision considering I have both a 360 and Wii. RE5 looks graphically amazing, but if it controls anything like RE4 I would have a tough time deciding on the superior graphics on the 360 version or the superior controls on the Wii version.
Well I'm not really a hermit or anything elese since I tend to game on several different systems, but I have to say it's false that you cant rent PC games. There are several stores in my area that rent out PC games so I don't know where you're getting your assumptions from.
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