bcrich959's forum posts
I think you should have said 67% of Wii owners surveyed haven't used the console. It's easy to swing numbers when you can pick a choose who you survey. I'm not saying people are playing their Wii's, but unless they surveyed a 100% of the people that own them then that 67% is just an assumption based on a small group of people they surveyed. BTW I played both my Wii and my 360 yesterday.
I don't see the TC's point considering Mass Effect and the Orange Box are/will be way better than KOTOR, KOTOR 2 or HL2 were on the xbox.PBSnipes
I have to agree with the Orange Box statement, but I still like going back and playing the KOTOR's from time to time. As far as the TC's point I'm betting it just for flame bait.
I've had no problems with KOTOR or Mercenaries on my 360.
Your disks are probably dirty/scratched. My Halo2 disk was messed up and ran like crap, until I cleaned it
I've had problems with KOTOR and my disk are like brand new.Mostly I just haveloss of sound during cut scenes. I haven't tried KOTOR 2 on it yet.
Who the hell releases a game on Sunday??????:?
I was planning on playing smash bros through all of winter break...theres goes that plan..
If I recall the Wii was released on a Sunday.
[QUOTE="jdang307"]I have a question. Are there really that many people who misspell "Lose" as "loose" in the real world? If I see it once, it's a typo; if I see it twice in the same post, it's a habit. How come I don't come across official letters or mailings or any other type of print communication with this same spelling mistake?
Oh btw, when did flailing your arms around with a motion sensing controller become gameplay?
When did wiggling a joystick become gameplay?
Or drooling over fancy graphics for that matter.
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