[QUOTE="bcrich959"][QUOTE="serg_15"][QUOTE="goodlay"][QUOTE="serg_15"]WII IS ONLY WINNING BECAUSE ITS CHEAP and everyobe wabts ti get their hands on it. cmon 179 pounds for a "next gen system" is too cheap> glad i spent money on ps3 and 360 for decent next gen hardwares that give me moore than metroid prime pokemon mario zelda and party games. if the ps3 or 360 were that cheap then nintendo would of been dead 2 months in the selling. but the handheld are good, ive gor ds lite lolserg_15
If Sony sold its current system at 250 dollars, they would lose so much money, I don't think you realize common sense, if the PS3 was 250 dollars, it would have the same power as the Wii.
forget the common sence, what if sony and the 360 had their hardwares for the same price as nintendo? now anser my question and say nothing else: if sony and microsoft had their hardwares the same price as the wii and sold it for the same price as the wii, do you not think that the wii would be preaty much dead with the technology they have?
No because then the other two would also be using outdated technology to get the same price. I own a Wii and a X360 and to be honest I didn't buy the Wii because of the price, I bought it because what it was doing with the controls interest me for one and I also like many of Nintendos games.
sigh i said forget t the comon sence, use your imagination what if they WERE to keep their tech in a cheaper price anyway u didnt buy the wii becuz of thecheapness but most people did
Oh, well since we're throwing common sense out of the equation then I would still have to say "no" because Nintendo could just sell the Wii for 50 bucks or something. I mean if there is no common sense then anything is possible. :P
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