@ice12tray: At lower ranks I felt Bastion was all out broken, way too easy to play, and too much of a pain to play against. But upon reaching level 25+, Bastions became rarer and rarer, because they were so easy to deal with.
When Tracer plays her role well, she deals with Bastion so well by zipping behind him or taking flank routes. He's got a blue glow weak point on his back where he takes critical damage. Hanzo out ranges him with arrow pokes and clear ults, Widowmaker ends him. A decent Pharah can get a few good volleys off from the sky before Bastion could know what's happening and aim up. Roadhog can pull him while in turret mode and Genji's E auto kills Bastion if Bastion focuses him while reflect is active.
When I started the Beta, I cried balance issues but as player ranks got better, Bastion became less and less of a threat in my experience.
@bobafetthatesu: I play alot of shooters sir. This game is unlike any of the ones I've played. I'm not seeing where you're coming from when you say "clone" shooter.
@andfx8: I watched a YouTube 5 minute brief to catch myself up on things since I never played the first 2. I hardly felt lost at all playing. I was so immersed in the story, polish, questing system and straight up love put into the game, that rather than getting lost in the story, I got lost in how amazing the experience was. This game is a love letter to adventure RPG lovers everywhere. As a guy who normally just plays FPS like Halo and CSGO, trust me when I say.. GET THIS GAME
That's what happens when you don't research your demographic. COD fans have been saying for the last couple years that futuristic entries are getting stale and feel un-inspired.
Where as DICE did a smart thing taking Battlefield back the other direction. WW1/WW2 has been done and overdone already, but on this gen of consoles using an overhauled Frostbite engine... That can make an old concept feel fresh and add new possibilities. Good on them.
@quinnd6: They aren't out of touch with what the gamer actually wants, they know full and well what we want. Their job isn't to sell us what we actually "want", but what we "think" we want. These men sit in board rooms conjuring up ways to sell us things we don't want by gift wrapping them with things we do want. Take the kinect for example haha.
They want this because of the metric crap ton of money they will save. No more labor and mass production fees going to Foxconn. No more royalties for disc manufacturing going to patent owners like Panasonic and Sony. No more paying for expensive anti cheat software to sniff out hackers. No more piracy. No more vendor distribution fees, packaging fees and transportation fees. Above all, no more profit margins to make up for through expensively made hardware. They say this is for our convenience, but this is nothing but bathtubs of profit for them, that's all they care about.
@HOLYSHMUCK: But to what degree should we sacrifice realism for actual fun? Interesting and new yes, but all of that sounds frustrating un-fun to play.
Until stream services like Netflix successfully end Bluray and Bluray player purchases, this will not happen. Consumers by general consensus still love having physical copies of things, and internet is still nowhere near reliable enough. ISP's in most countries are also gonna have to cann the idea of charging based on bandwidth usage,
"Overwatch is going to start with an 8 because they are such Blizzard fans. That game is getting carried cause of the pedigree of the devs rather than the game itself."
That's a tasteless insult and a spit in the face to those who actually like the game because they find it fun. You're entitled to your opinion but to you, obviously there's no chance in hell that people who are playing Overwatch beta could possibly be having fun eh!?
@joshrmeyer: I see Overwatch getting an "8" at most. In terms of balancing, team play and polish, the game is fun as hell. But you're right, the content is lacking. I know it's the beta, but from what I've played, the game doesn't really have much of a variety of modes or things to do. It has such a rich diverse cast of interesting characters that a campaign I feel would have strengthened the experience.
@holifeet: You gotta remember that these Journalists are gamers as well. Danny's last lobby discussion about Overwatch had multiple reviewers on the couch sharing their thoughts.
At the end of the day, we can spend forever critiquing and analyzing factors which make games "good", but in essence, what truly makes a game "good" really comes down to how much fun you're having with the entire experience.
bigcrusha's comments