@lion2447: nope, proof of stake will make Ethereum skyrocket. POS will limit how much Ether is in circulation as only those who have the biggest shares of ETH will be able to validate transactions and earn large payouts, less circulation = less supply = increased demand. Plus when the media gets wind that the second largest cryptocurrency in the world has abandoned mining and now uses a validation system that consumes 95% less electricity compared to BTC, yeah. You think people aren't shutting up about crypto now? Oh Jesus it will get wild man.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: The same can be said about gold or most commodities, Banks and wealthy powerful people will own the biggest share in the end yes. Right now, regular Joe's like you and me who got lucky, bought and held a decade ago have the biggest share, hence why bitcoins price aggressively fluctuates. Banks are also playing on these average Joe cashouts to buy up reseveres they left behind. As for retail investor ordinary people, you can own fractions of bitcoin, or invest in alt coin projects like Ethereum which are just starting to get legs and are set to overtake bitcoin in market cap. You can even use your Alt coin gains to swap into bitcoin reserves as well. That's why this whole bitcoin movement has legs, it truly managed to "democratize" finance, whether that lasts remains to be seen.
@com2006: yeah definitely do your own research and go in if and when you think its right. But remember that there's only ever going to be 21 million Bitcoin, and major banks have gone from calling it a ponzi scheme to buying as many of those incremental reserves as possible. These next few years are gonna be wild.
@com2006: It's not so much to be defensive, its more so that I hear that sentiment so much with people who don't understand what cryptocurrencies are and why they are so volatile. It dropped 40% this week and rallied back 20% in the last 24 hours. It's because it's a single Trillion dollar sector with alot of early holders having a significant chunk of Bitcoin supply controlling it. It's going to take minimum 20 years of continuous adoption for it to stabilize as an asset.
But yes when you say "No one knows whether it will crash", It's important to remember that unless all governments on the globe find some way to shut down the whole internet and erase the Bitcoin blockchain network from every computer, cryptocurrencies are always going to be around in some form or another. You're dealing with an unhackable. uncorruptable virtual mint with a finite 21 million supply that releases fractional chunks of it for purchase every 4 years. Human greed at it's finest is why video cards are being hoarded, but Ethereum miners are using their gains to swap it into Bitcoin long term reserves, people outside of crypto don't understand just how high the price of a single Bitcoin is going to be by 2030. Those who just look at the short term daily fluctuations and say "ugh, this thing flies up and down by thousands a day, too unstable for me" really don't understand what they are dealing with or how big it's gonna get.
@com2006: I started getting involved with crypto in January, I'm up almost 50%, literally google the BTC price chart in the last five years. If you believe that cryptocurrency is going anywhere, I'm sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about man.
@jeremyalexander: Well apparently, he doesn't know what he's done either. I don't care much for Dr. Disrespect, however you shoot at "blind support" all while wearing a shoe on the other foot by blindly disdaining him for actions you're not even sure of.
@angrycreep: Argue average score until your face is blue, but can you not tolerate that people would rather have their own opinions than following every review?
@videogameninja: What I like about Kojima is that he TRIES. The man clearly spends hours before bed putting these kooky shower thought concepts that we all randomly think about on paper. Crack of dawn, he's in the studio diverting EVERY resource and game making asset at his disposal into making that shower thought come to life nearly EXACTLY how he envisioned it. His stories can often be whimsical, but AAA needs more figures like him, people who wanna tell stories instead of using game engines and assets crafted for pure profit.
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