@Eddie619: You know, going around the forum copy pasting quotes makes you come off as an aggressively angry fanboy.
Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo work in the best interests of the corporation, they don't work for anyone's belief. They have backed down and 180'ed on statements in the past and this won't be the exception depending on how Scorpio does.
@Archangel2222: There's no easy answer to that. My bet is that the Switch, Xbox Scorpio and Ps4 pro are a step towards doing away with console gens entirely. Much like PC, users will probably be coaxed into shedding cash for slightly upgraded machines over their predecessors.
I disagree to an extent. The score is a lazy man's look through to something which is being evaluated much like your school test scores. Gamespot gave that score based on their "evaluation" of what decent game design is. Funfactor is subjective which is why the written review exists, to give an honest detailed account of the critic's perspective.
@milesprower06: I'd not go as far as calling it politicizing. Really this is protecting their brand. Unfortunately, this is how the business world works, associating themselves with someone who has an unpopular opinion can be considered a "reputational risk" in the corporate world. I think Jontron more than anyone understands this, which is why he didn't make an uproar when the news dropped. Not that he should be too upset, the game didn't exactly get any critical acclaim haha.
OS: Windows 9.5/Windows 9.8 or higher - Windows 7 will put you waay under, windows 10 will edge out the performance slightly but for it's price, you're only gonna lose 0.2 OS performance clock speed by going the 9.8 route so save your money
Processor: Intel Pentium processor with AT LEAST 90 MHz - most processors today average at 3.6-4.0 GHz. At 5.0 clock speed it becomes a MHz class processor, so you'll wanna overclock the tits out of your rig to process all of the crazy shit happening on screen, this game is an adventure!
Memory: A whopping 16MB of RAM! - if your system specs says you RAM type is GB, toss that shit. Get with the times You need Megabytes to really RAMM that performance hard.
Video Card: It's gonna need to be able to display AT LEAST 256 colors and support VGA at 640 x 480 resolution -
HD is outdated because it only has 2 letters see. You need 3 letter compatible monitors to process those giant gaping visual pixels, how else will you be able to see a swarm of killer Zerglings assf*ck your base at high detail?
A sound blaster compatible - Only producers and sound engineers use stuff that high end, might have to dig through your wallet
Internet speed of at least 28.8 KBps - Believe it or not, this is the only benchmark which the industry has truly exceeded because everyone uses internet am I rite? These days, modems clock at 30Mbps. Class of their own, truly.
Overall, Broodwarz was a masterpiece truly ahead of it's time, a technical marvel, Hope this helps! Good shopping!
@gameroutlawzz: "Now who gives a shit about Esports except for those who are part of the esports scene? what a dumb argument"...... *Massive Facepalm* Tell me you must be joking. I don't even think you believe that horse shit.
Stats from 2016 alone pull that near 205 million people worldwide watched esports with an estimated growth to 427 million by 2019. It's one of the fastest growing entertainment platforms in existence, so much so that ESPN has both recognized it and taken partnership as a global phenomenon. 200+million hours have been spent on watching esports on twitch's site traffic statistics. In South Korea, Starcraft is recognized as a fucking international sport. The 2005 SC championship gathered a stadium sized crowd of 120k people. The LoL championships last year drew in a total 32 million unique viewers peak, more than the total viewership of the NBA finals. 13+ thousand live attendees... A fucking stadium of people.
Go look this up if you think I'm fibbing, i'll link you the proof.
Point being, every mutiplayer developper in the last 4 years have been trying to create "interesting games to watch" as the core philosophy of game design. That's why Blizz is remastering this game, MONEY.
I doubt it's a joke given how badly sc2 is dying in the competitive scene. Korea's pro league died and most professional talent went back to playing Broodwar, it's even made a resurgence on Twitch. There was no denying anymore that sc2 was the less popular game. At least as a spectator sport anyway.
@gameroutlawzz: Blizzard picked to remaster Broodwar because it's still played to tits in places like Korea which pretty much made professional esports a thing, Broodwar made esports a thing.
Secondly, if you can't figure out the nooks and crannies of all the sc units to the point where you don't know how to stop a rush beyond walling? Keep the game uninstalled, you calling sc players "scrub" is a fucking joke...
Play WC3, your freedom, your time, but don't insult fans of a franchise because you don't like it...
@darkninja66613: This is the type of comment you're going to look back on 5 years from now and cringe so hard your anal cavity might pop out through your throat...
Do yourself a favor and quit with all the useless fanboyish hate. Grown men have been playing Legend of Zelda before you were even born, the late great Robin Williams even named his daughter after a protagonist of the series. Enough of that, it isn't cute son.
bigcrusha's comments