Ashley in Resident Evil 4 is a step above annoying. It is annoying when you fail a mission because she gets caught in a pile of enemies or gets in the way of your bullets, or takes a garador claw to the face. But it can also be quite satisfying as it shuts her up. The repetitive "HEEEEELP! HELP ME LEON! HEEEELP!!!!" can be, quite literally, painful.
Probably because when someone with a Southern Drawl accent speaks fast, they make sounds that Northerners have a difficult time distinguishing as English words. When they speak slowly and clearly, their English can sound distinctly beautiful. A quickly spoken Texan Twang southern accent can be slightly less difficult to understand.
If i remember right the super missle upgrade doesn't come until much later. In that corridor, where the hologram is OFF by default, and turning into a morph ball you can roll into a pipe to the left of the screen that slopes upward (bomb a piece of debris on along this pipe) to reach the environmental controls on a catwalk over that corridor. If that is the room, turn the hologram ON. You'll see a defect in the projection up ahead, and try to think how you could fit there. Also note the defect is slightly elevated over the floor level.
Well, legally speaking it ain't rape without something penetrating certain orifices. And for it to be rape of a mouth, a sexual organ must be what was inserted. No, you were not raped by the hand shaker. And the lady in the picture wasn't raped (at worst sexually assaulted).
It is bullying, so it is a problem. And when it's cyber-bullying, the bully's target can't fight back with a well-deserved suckerpunch to the face or rage-induced piledriver. I had a friend who was constantly bullied til the day he snapped. He pinned the bully down from behind and looped and tightened a leather belt over the bully's neck. Luckily he didn't kill the guy or cause permanent damage, and the bullying did stop after that.
Some people buy other gaming platforms than their preferred (you prefer PC) because they are interested in/ enjoy the games exclusive to those other platforms. PC gamers tend to enjoy their horsepower, and tend to enjoy building their PCs. Some console gamers prefer consoles over PCs because of convenience or because of console exclusives or because their friends game on that console. We're all gamers here and no one is superior to others unless you are in that other subforum of delusional nerdrage and fanboyism...
OT is the wrong forum for this buddy. I've moved it to Primary Games rather than closing it.
Perhaps SystemWars would have been more appropriate...
Whoa quicksand! Is that one of those fancy schmancy PhysX features? But seriously, With a big ol' triple A budget and all that marketing, you'd think they'd at least hire some people to do thorough testing for each platform version before putting it on the market and charging people for the product.
Battlefield 3's single player campaign was so weak compared to Bad Company. Maybe they should just sell such single player campaigns (Bad Company's fun story, and MoH's military recruitment campaign) as add-ons / DLC to Battlefield 3, instead of doing it the way they currently do since they all use the same engine anyway (that way they can also raise sales for Battlefield 3).
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