bjvill's forum posts
women sounding like they are being raped during normal sex =/= greatZeviandertentacle fetish =/= great
I keep them purely for sentimental value, I assure you. Pirate700Take them out of the memory box and put them into the emergency kit.
There's a strong probability that they will grow up to be gamers; they are, after all, my children. I only wonder whether I should cultivate that, or let it occur naturally. And, more specifically, when they do start gaming, how do I facilitate it? Simple games with simple buttons, or toss them in the deep end and coach them?ChronoblivionMost (not all) kids don't really understand game rules by age two, and each kid has their own temperament (some may throw tantrums, wrecking hardware, others may get bored by it all too quickly). As they repeatedly play their own way, they will definitely figure out what-button-does-what (cause and effect) quite easily, but may take some time to actually understand the objective/rules (depends on the complexity of the game). Coaching them may make them learn faster if achievements get reinforced with praise/attention ("look, you did that!"). And however you decide to handle it, it seems like they'll probably take after you and naturally develop interest in gaming. It'd be pretty strange if they grew up around that stuff and didn't take any interest whatsoever.
Why didn't you mention Ghirahim instead? Do you have any idea how that made him feel inside?GROOSE
All that said, has anyone ever heard of anyone prosecuted for downloading Doom off an abandonware site? Didn't think so.Black_Knight_00If anyone would be prosecuted, it'd be the site. I wonder if any of them generate enough profit for copyright sharks to start smelling blood.
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