If uncircumcised, learn to pull skin back and clean properly. If circumcised, clean properly but make sure you're fully circumcised or learn to pull skin back and clean properly. If having a son, either have him circumcised as a newborn/baby or don't have it done. Mine was done as a "right of passage into manhood" as that was the culture i grew up in, and i can say that the recovery period was painful (and painfully embarrassing).
The Classic Controller Pro does feel quite comfortable but I know how you feel. I got mine for Monster Hunter Tri, then forced myself to use it for Mariokart and Super Smash Brothers to make the purchase worth it, and found it was better than the wiimote+nunchuck setup i was using before it. Guess I'm using it for Xenoblade too. It looks like it has the same number of buttons as the Wii U Pro Controller, so maybe they'll allow you to use it for that. It probably will be Wii U compatible though because they still plan to use Wiimotes as controllers.
It's a genre that won't die out, but it does have those certain trends that explode then fade like the World War 2 setting games that started with medal of honor. Remember when that trend slowed, you could feel the over-saturation in the market, and then Modern Warfare came in and sold like hotcakes. So, since there is a noticeable saturation point right now, it probably just needs that hotcakes product to end the trend. Or maybe the introduction of new consoles will shift the trend.
Feudal Japan would be an easy one but not quite as "fresh" (setting has been done before) as something like Spanish-American war period Philippines (huge cultural meltingpot, lots of factions, lots of tension racial, cultural and political) or British East India Trading Company colonies (lots of different places to choose from) or even Opium Wars period China.
That game is awesome. It was such a novel, cool concept having Raziel be immortal. It had no "You died. restore? restart? quit?" or "Game Over. Continue?" I vaguely remember some teleport gate system, and that the game didn't specifically point it out to the player. not too sure.
For the player to do rape, it'd be a rare instance when one can say it's OK. As mentioned, it's something that might be somewhat acceptable if put in an acceptable/justifiable context (ex: rescuing a character from rape), but the same goes for killing. The player character that does the act has to have some redeeming quality or justification for the act. And some violent games out there today do handle that poorly. I don't think you can say " I did it in self-defense, your honor!" or "I did it as part of my mission to save the world." or even "I do it as a professional for hire, and I'm the best at it, but will only do it to the scum of the earth" for rape.
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