Would you like to spend 30 hours with a 250 lbs ugly broad weilding a minigun?MohsiuddinThat actually sounds like an effective way to implement DRM and anti-piracy stuff for a game like Tombraider: If the game senses you've pirated it, Lara Croft is replaced by that character (complete with an annoying or boring voice), without the minigun.
bjvill's forum posts
As if teenagers need money. I never worked when I was in high school, nor should any teenager. i focused on studying and got a full scholarship after high school and now i'm in med school. Seriously i'd tell these teenagers to focus more on studying, instead of getting an 8$/hours job to pay for their cell phones and beer... STAR_AdmiralHighly unlikely hypothetical situation, but you may one day find yourself in a position where a residency program director will look at your application with the 90th percentile USMLE scores, another application of someone with 89th percentile scores plus a somewhat consistent summer work history from highschool all the way through college and med school, and they will have to choose only one for their program. Assuming they were never fired or anything, the one with the work history might look like a better candidate. I do know a guy who got into a good program because he mentioned in the interview that he used to do construction work. The 70% that aren't working probably may need to try searching harder, giving up the "working for the money" mindset to do volunteer work, or as mentioned use that time studying. But heck this is a gamer website.
I forgot to mention - I think the examples in the article are great. Faith from Mirror's Edge and Chell are pretty good female characters, although Chell doesn't really have much of a personality. With Samus, she didn't really have a character prior to Other M, but when she did get a personality it was kind of a weak, vulnerable, stereotypical female representation. HaziqonfireThe thing with the Other M Samus character is that many don't appreciate how they were trying to make the character progress through the game from a weak, whiny self-centered kid in the flashbacks to the "i'm trying to figure out what's going on, but orders are orders" restrained grunt throughout the playable game to an ultimately more enlightened, understanding victorious hero in the end. Gameplay issues aside, i think many players were hung up on "wait, I thought she was supposed to be a super powerful, emotionally void female playerskin that i get to see with less clothing if i beat the game in a shorter amount of time?" or got stuck comparing a developing character with her flaws to a flawless blank template from Metroid Prime (like comparing duke nukem to gordon freeman). In that light, I think the Other M Samus is kind of a step forward from NES/SNES Samus, for female video game characters. From Metroid Prime Samus, it is just a deeper step into the same spot.
1.) Not always IN the brain per se. such chemical changes are also found in the periphery. Too much or too little can cause involuntary twitching. For example, in a state of having too much Calcium throughout your body, the muscles can contract/tense up (aka tetany). You can see this if you soak a disembodied muscle in a calcium solution.
2.) Also, not always a CHEMICAL problem, as a physical / anatomical abnormality in the brain or nervous system can cause uncontrollable movements. For example, people with Huntington's disease have structurally broken brain cells. When certain areas of their brain are affected, they have this uncontrollable neck twist motion that they do. The chemicals themselves may be normal levels, but the brain parts are messed up in a molecular level. There are other examples of larger structural problems causing seizures, like cancer, traumatic brain injury, strokes, brain tuberculosis or even worm larva in the brain.
3.) you can even have physical problems in the spinal cord or nerves outside the brain causing these problems. example: rabies causes involuntary motions as it affects nerve tracts connecting the brain to the muscles.Now, if only developers could pick up on stuff like this and publishers could make it happen, then they might have some groundbreaking (or at least fan-beloved) hits on their hands...
Same here. The gameplay footage brought back memories of F.E.A.R. 1.The fact that it's obviously going for tension over action is the one thing keeping me interested in this game. I have no need for a standard first person shooter that happens to feature zombies as enemies.
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