Well, it's May 14th and you know what that means! We're 3 days away from L.A. Noire!
Being both a Rockstar junkie and a big fan of film noir, this game has been one of themy mostanticipated games of the last few years. And now that I'vefinally beaten Fallout 3 and with PSN being down, I really don't have that much to play at the moment, so this is coming out theperfect time. I can't waitfor Tuesday to come (even though I have my Physics final exam on that same day :P)
And now the second portion of today's entry...
Everyone loves cartoons. If at least one animated TV show wasn't a big part of your childhood, then you probably didn't have a real childhood. But it's not just the ones for kids that are great, there's a big arsenal of great adult cartoons as well. Their those things that you always remember, sitting in front of the TV on a Saturday morning with a bowl of sugary cereal and your eyes glued to the wild and over the top characters and events taking place in front of you. Well, I've decided to take a trip down memory lane. Some of these memories date back to our childhoods, and others we still watch today as grown people. These are the Top 10 Best Animated Shows of All Time.
Yeah, I know, I'm starting out pretty young with this. Arthur was a show on PBS based off of the populay books by Marc Brown. The show did what every PBS show at it's time did, which was aim to educate it's viewers in typical life lessons, such as safety, reading, sharing, kindness, etc. But for all of it's run of the mill aspects, the show could actually be very clever with it's writing and humor at points. And it wasn't afraid to get the morals across by being tough with the subject matters sometimes. I used to watch the show with my parents when I was younger, and it was one of the few things I watched back then that they actually enjoyed watching, because beneath it's childish shell, the show was very clever and satisfying for adults.
Tom & Jerry
How could anyone not love Tom & Jerry. It doesn't matter how old you are or what your tastes are like, there's something really entertaining about a little mouse beating the crap out of a cat. I would have loved to have been a writer on this show, just spending all day coming up with creative ideas of how Jerry could beat up Tom. Yeah, the show does getrepititive if you watch a bunch of episodes in a row, but that doesn't keep it from being an explosion ofviolence thatyou can't help but be charmed by.
South Park
Well yeah...it's South Park...what else can be said? It's the most vulgar and disgusting show that humans have ever thought up. But it's still a great show. It's got one of the most memorable casts of characters in the history of television istelf, all of the jokes (no matter how crass) still work, and the ideas for individual episodes can be either brilliant or horrifyingly stupid but they still end up being brilliant in the end. It rips on everyone but still makes everyone laugh, even when they're the onesbeing made fun of in the most vulgar of ways.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
Now don't get me wrong, I love the original 1980's version of this show to death. It was a very fun and very entertaining showthat I've always adored. But if I had to pick the superior show, I would have to go with the 2003 reboot.And here's why. This show captured a lot of the fun and goofy elements of the '80'sversion and stayed true to its source. However, the 2003 version also managed to take itself much more seriously, giving us more intensefight scenes, more focused characters, and some really cool animation. The reboot wasn't as funny as the original, but it still hit on a lot of the same humorand was able to combine that with intense action andtight animation without stumbling, which is really something to admire, especially in a kid's show.
Pinky & The Brain
This is one of the ultimate shows in terms of coating itself with jokes and animation for kids, but really playing towards adults just as much as to kids. There are very few shows that even come close to Pinky & The Brain in that field, and I love this show for it. And because of this, I can still watch it today and be just as entertained as I was when I was a kid. There isn't really much else to say, because what really makes this show so great is just the in-jokes with the adult audience, but those jokes work so wellI can't help but put this relatively high on the list.
Pinky & The Brain did originally start off as a segment of Animaniacs, so we have this show to thank for that as a starter. But besides that, Animaniacs did all of the things that Pinky & The Brain did right but still managed to do even more. Because Animaniacs actually educated us! Unlike Arthur where it got the educational parts across without trying to distract it's audience with humor, Animaniacs completely slobbered their educational moments with wackiness, but still helped us remember things. Like who could forget the "Capitals" song that stated the capital of every state and country in the world? But then you have the adult humor in the show. Pinky&The Brain didn't go reallydicey with their jokes, whereas Animaniacs had everything you could think of. Some thing were just parodies that only adults would get like the Jerry Lewis parody knownas "Mr. Director". But some jokes were flat out dirty. Anyway, Animaniacs was really groundbreaking with what animated showed could get away with, while still being safe and fun for the kids.
Looney Tunes
If you don't love Looney Tunes, then I really don't know what to say to you. There aren't many things more cla$$ic than Looney Tunes cartoons. Whether it's the "What's Opera Doc?" short or "Rabbit Season, Duck Season" everyone should be familiar with the antics of Bugs, Daffy, Tweedy, Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote, Road Runner, and the rest of the gang. All of the show's characters were great, even the less commonly used ones like Witch Hazel and Speedy Gonzalez. It was a show that had something for everyone, and it was a marvel that everyone should witness.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
In 2005, Nickelodeon was at it's peak. Spongebob and The Fairly Odd Parents were at the top of their game, TeenNick was finally making a comeback with shows like Drake & Josh, and there was just always something good to watch. But out of all the great things that were going on at that time for the network, nothing topped the far eastern inspired showabout sorcery, war, and friendship known as Avatar: The Last Airbender. I've said this plenty of times before, but I'll say it again, this is theclosest thing to anime that I really enjoy (besides the movie Akira). And this show isn't technically animeto begin with. This was the only Nickelodeon showthat was consistantly great throughout it's entire run. It was only show on the network that had moments that were supposed to be taken seriously and were genuinely intense. Which was really a breath of fresh air at the time. Now that's not to say that the showcouldn't be really funny as well. It did have it's hilarious moments. This is just one of those cartoons thatdid everything right, the writing, the animation, the voice acting, the action scenes, the humor, every single thing about this show was spot on.
Batman: The Animated Series
I've had some relatively intense shows on here so far, like TMNT and Avatar. But no cartoon will ever come close to the intensity and darkness of Batman: The Animated Series. This show was unbelievable in so many ways. I said that Avatar was one of the few cartoons that did everything right, well BTAS did everything right x2. This show had some of the most brilliant writing and animation in television history, as well as very interesting takes on the cla$$ic characters like Batman, The Joker, Catwoman, etc. Another great thing about this show is how it draws from every popular adaptation of Batman that came before it. Like the Tim Burton movies, the Adam West show, etc. The show took both itself and it's audience very seriously and we love it for that.
The Simpsons
Well... duh. This was probably the most obvious thing since @dylan417 put Kid Cudi as his favorite musical artist of all time :P. But yeah, no matter how many shows try to rip it off, there will never be a show like The Simpsons. With it's massive array of characters from the bumbling drunk Barney Gumble to the multi-billionare Mr. Burns, as well as it's consistantly greatand satirical humor and it's star studded list of guest voices, The Simpsons is a rare marvel that many people will tryto imitate, but no one willever duplicate.
Honorable Mentions:
The Fairly Odd Parents
Song of the Day:
Okkervil River - Wake And Be Fine
Picture of the Day:
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