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Recovering and Quest To Create The Ultimate Game Hero Part II

Well, on my last blog I got the most comments I've ever gotten on one entry, so I think that I definetly should thank all of you who read it for your concern. I'm doing a lot better, but I found out the other day that the boy who caught on fire passed away at a burn hospital. It was alsodiscovered that the injuries were in fact self-inflicted, and that turned some of my sadness into anger. But my condolences go out to his family and friends, and may herest in peace. As for the grenade story, there haven't really been any reports on it, so I'm not really sure what's going to happen with that.

But, in order to brighten up the mood,I've decided to complete my Quest To Create The Ultimate Game Hero, todays categories are...


Let's get right to it!


John Marston (Red Dead Redemption)

The time setting of Red Dead Redemption is the perfect weapons era. You still have all of the revolvers and rifles of the old west, while also having access to new weapons like machine pistols and gatling guns. And thus, John Marston has the best repitoire of weaponry. And not only does he have a variety of different kinds of weapons, but also a large number of different ones in each field. There's abouteight pistols, four shotguns, seven rifles/repeaters, three throwing weapons, two snipers, a knife, and a lasso. That gives Marston a total of twenty-six different weapons, and that's not including his fists, cannons, and gatling guns. So whetherhe's blowing someone to a pulp with a Semi-Automatic Shotgun or impaling someone with a throwing knife, John Marstondefinetlyhas the bestwaysto make youfor reachfor the sky.


Nathan Drake (Uncharted)

Uncharted is a pretty far fetched series as it is, but I think what really seals the deal for it being the most far fetched is Nathan Drake's agility. This dude can scale any wall, leap any length, and swing off of any rope, it's just ridiculous. I don't see why he's wasting his time looking for artifacts, he should be Spider-Man for crying out loud! There isn't much else that you can say about it.


Batman (Batman: Arkham Asylum)

It was a really tight race for this category between Batman and Gordon Freeman from Half-Life. But I decided to go with Batman because of the fact that he hasn't devoted his life to science like Freeman, he's devoted his life to every kind of education that you could recieve. He's also a master of all known forms of martial arts, and that takes a lot of intelligence as well. As shown in Batman: Arkham Asylum, The Dark Knight is a computer and engineering genius who knows pretty much everything there is to know about... well everything. He can hack into pretty much any computer system, speak Spanish, and build any kind of machine that you could possibly wish for. And he could kick your butt while doing that!


Soap MacTavish (CoD4: MW & MW2)

As most of you know, I love Soap MacTavish. He's the most awesome dude in the history of humanity. And one of the things that makes him that awesome is his level of devotion. MacTavish knows what his job is, and has never given up on anything, no matter how bleak the situation may be. This is the guy who watched two of his best friends get killed on a destroyed bridge with the mostdangerous terrorist in the world and two of his soldierswalking towards him. But good ole' Captain Price slid him a pistol and MacTavish shot downall three of them.But MacTavish's crowning achievement was easily the murder of General Sheppard. I won't go into detail about that because it just can't be described how amazing that was. If you've played Modern Warfare 2, then you know what I'm talking about.


John Marston (Red Dead Redemption)

Yes, Mr. Marston is on here for a third time. Although that shouldn't be very surprising seeing as RDR is my favorite game of all time. However I can't really go into detail about why he won this category seeing as itwould be a major spoiler for those who hadn't finished the story of RDR. And for those of you who have completed the game, you know why he won.

Well that's it for the categories, now it's time to recap what the Ultimate Game Hero would have to posess in order to achieve that title. It would require...

The Backstory of John Marston
The Appearance of Jak
The Voice of Kratos
The Enemies of Master Chief
The Combat of Nathan Drake
The Weapons of John Marston
The Agility of Nathan Drake
The Intelligence of Batman
The Devotion of Soap MacTavish
and The Fate of John Marston

Well that's my Quest To Create The Ultimate Game Hero, hope you enjoyed :D

The Scariest Day of My Life *PLEASE READ*

Well today was set up to be a normal day at school. Nothing big was going to happen and I was just going to learn about equations for triangles, Shakespeare, and how to say my birthday in Spanish. Pretty typical. But early in the morning, right as first period began, the school went under an "administrative lockdown". I had heard what I thought werefire sirens, but I wasn't exactly sure, everybody just thought that it was a mock lockdown seeing as they do one everycouple of months. But after about an hour and a half of sitting in a darkcla$$room, we found out that a student had CAUGHT ONFIRE.No one knows how it started, but allwe know is that ahigh school junior burst into flames at about 8:15 this morning. So everybody had that to cope with, but then later in the day during lunch, something much scarier happened to me personally. A student had BROUGHT A GRENADE TO SCHOOL. He was dumb enough to actually show people that grenade, and one of them told me about it because he didn't know what to do. I told him to tell the principal ora teacher about it immediately. So we told the school principal, and he brought two police officers who had beenat the school earlier to deal with the fire. The tookhim intoa bathroom, hand cuffed him, and searched him for the grenade. They found it and he's been arrested. I know that I did the right thing, but I'm really scared because this guy is known for being violent, and even though I was his friend, he won't hesitate in trying to find mewhen he's released from jail. He was a freshman like me and we had known each other since 6th grade. I don't think I've ever experienced a scarier day in my entire life.

Quest To Create The Ultimate Video Game Hero

Heroes are the most important part of games. If you don't have a character that you can feel for and like, then how are yougoing to be ableto play as them? Last year Gamespot had their Greatest Game Hero Tournament which I strongly disagreed with seeing as Jak & Daxter lost in the first round and Soap MacTavish wasn't even in the competition. But this has nothing to do with that, I've decided that it's time to create the ultimate game hero taking all of the elements of a great protagonist and choosing which characters did them bestin order toblend them to together, thus building the ultimate character. Here are the categories...


Time to find out who did these the best...


John Marston (Red Dead Redemption)

A lot of video game heroes have great stories of how they became who they are and have interesting reasons for why they're living the life that they're caught in. But no one tops John Marston in the backstory category (hey that rhymes!).Marston wasthe son of a Scottish immigrant and a prostitute wholeft his mother when he was a teenager. He met Dutch Van Der Linde, a risingRobin Hood who stole from the rich to give to the poor. Dutch taught John everything he knew about criminal ways and Marston started his lifeas an outlaw alongside Van Der Linde, Javier Escuella, and Bill Williamson. There was a prostitute who rode with them named Abigail.But in a shootout during a robbery, Marston was shot and his gang members left him to die, all except Abigail, whom he then married after recovering. They two of them left their lives as criminals and started up a ranch and had a son named Jack (or John Marston Jr.). But everything was not meant to be as thefederal government tracked down the Marstons and took Jack and Abigail into custody and gavethe reformed John the assignment of capturingor killing his former gang members. Not even Shakespeare could come up with something like that! John Marston has one of the most engaging backstories to ever be put in a video game,maybe just the history of humanity in general!


Jak (Jak X: Combat Racing)

Jak is one of those characters that just breathes cool. Every little thing that he does or says is awesome, and with pretty much any character like that, you're going to have a appearance. This is the category that's all about theway the characters physically look, and for a great video game hero to be a great video game hero, they have to look bada$$. And in Jak X: Combat Racing, no character has ever looked cooler than the title character, Jak. He has the same facial appearance as he did in Jak 3, which is really cool looking as it is, although it looks a little bit more worn than inJak 3 which makesit look that much better,but his outfit is just flat out awesome. If I could have any jacket in the world, it would be the one that he wore in Jak X. Because you can see the picture and can soak in the awesomeness yourself, I won't say anymore.


Kratos (God of War)

Most great video game heroes have great voices, ranging from thegrowl of Solid Snake to theyoung sarcastic voice of Ratchet. But the king of all video game voices easily belongs tothe angry roar of The Ghost of Sparta himself... Kratos. Voiced by TC Carson, Kratos has a booming voice that's constantly juiced up on fury which makes it all the more powerful and intimidating. Although if you're araging Ancient Greek warrior who has killed everything fromtheHydra totheNymean Lion,you kind of need a voice thatcould shake Mount Olympus itself. And fortunately, Kratos has the perfect voice for not only the God of War series, but all of video game history itself.


Master Chief (Halo)

If you know me well, you kow that I'm not a big fan of the Halo games'story modes, I only play them for the multiplayer. But from what I have played of the story modes, Halo has some of the fiercest enemies in all of video game history. And in the first three games of the series, the guy taking on all of those foes is none other than Master Chief. This guy has had to deal with some pretty intense stuff, and easily deserves the title of having the toughest enemies. I mean really, he had to put up with every single kind of soldier that the Covenant could throw out there and he took down every single one... that's pretty impressive.


Nathan Drake (Uncharted)

Nathan Drake is pretty much a superhuman. It's hard to fathom that amount of things that he can do in combat. I'm counting this category as a blend of a character's ability to fight hand to hand as well as their skill with a gun. And nobody can really top Nate Drake in terms of those two things. Well, John Marston is probably better with a gun, and Kratos is better in hand to hand, but when you mix those two forms of combat into one, Drake is easily the top dog. This guy can pull off pretty much any fighting move there is, he can snap your neck from behind, drop kick you in the middle of a fist fight, get a headshot while hanging from a sign on a telephone pole, and shoot a crate of dynamite while on a collapsing train. If you can find someone better than that, I'll be extremely impressed.

Song Of The Day: "Erase Me" - Kid Cudi feat. Kanye West

Image Of The Day:

Go TCU! :D

@ShootumUP26: If you wanna play Black Ops tomorrow, I can play anytime ;)

BlazingCinema Movie Reviews: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1

Howdily Doodily to all of you. As you probably noticed by my avatar... Christmas has once again invaded my blog! Yes, now that Turkey Day (for my fellow Americans) has passed, it's officially Christmas time around the world. I know that it's a tad bit early for me to get really excited about the holiday season, but I just love Christmas so much that I couldn't hold it any longer and I just had to spread the holiday cheer. Also, my blog header is Christmas themed in case you haven't seen it. But now on to the real subject of this entry. I haven't reviewed a movie in a long time and I think that it's about time that Iwent back to my popcorn filled roots.

Potter 7 is a gorgeous and thrilling movie, perfect for the holiday season. But like it's predecessors, it has aspects that keep it from being the best

Harry Potter is an official license to print money. If you have permission from J.K. Rowling to do anything Potter related, you're going to be pretty well off finacially. But of course like every great franchise, the things that rake in the most dough are the movies. Harry Potter movies are always topping the box office and are always cracking the list of the highest grossing films of all time. And when most franchises get to this point, they forget that what they're making is supposed to be entertaining and just throw in a bunch of prettyspecial effects and attractive young actors. Whilethe Potter filmsareguilty of this, they decided to break out of the flow of Hollywood blockbusters and tried to make a more artistic than bombastic movie. What they got wasHarry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 1, which iseasily one of the best moviesin the saga, but like all of the other movies it has it's own specific problems.

The Good

  • While I haven't read the book in a long time, from what I remembered it was faithful to the source material

  • All of the actors do a great job

  • The cinematography is very impressive, making it one of the most visually appealing movies of the year

  • Thespecial effectsare also very impressive

  • Hogwarts isn't seen throughout the entire movie, so there are none of the annoying sideplots that the previous movie suffered greatly from

  • The script is very effective with all of the jokes working and all of the dramatic moments intense

  • There's an animated section that looks amazing and is easily the best part of the film

The Bad

  • The character of Ron Weasley is under-used and when he is used, he comes off as extremely whiney, and not in a good way
  • It's very easy to get lost

The Ugly

  • It can be REALLY slow

So in the end, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 is a really solid movie with the majority of it being really entertaining if you can get past a lot of things that come out of nowhere and scenes where nothing happens.

Final Grade: B+

Top 10 Best Call of Duty Characters

Hello everyone. First off today, I would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

May your celebrations be cheerful and your stomachsgorged :D

But now, into the real topic of today's blog. The world is going gaga for the latest addition to the Call of Duty franchise. Black Ops is already setting sales records and has quickly taken over both PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. But of course, like every CoD game, Black Ops has an outstanding campaign. And besides all of blood spattered war violence, the thing that always draws me to the CoD campaigns are the characters. Call of Duty has always had amazing characters in their games whether your fighting with them or against them. And today I'm going to countdown who I think are the best characters that the CoD franchise has given us.



Khaled Al-Asad (CoD4: Modern Warfare)

For the first half of the first Call of Duty 4, the main objective is to capture and possibly kill the notorious terrorist Khaled Al-Asad. In the second mission of the game, you take control of the president of a certain victim nation to Al-Asad's terrorism (I forgot exactly what nation). Al-Asad approaches you and executes you with a Desert Eagle. Even though you know nothing about him, you instantly despise him. His appearence just gives off the scent of a scumbag and you can't wait to hunt him down. But eventually you find out that Al-Asad isn't the real major terrorist threat. He's realy just the fuel for the terrorist revolution lead by Imran Zakhaev, and Al-Asad is really just a coward who's good at rallying his countrymen. This creates a realistic sort of wartime character, the man whom everyone either looks up to or fears because ofhis speeches and the fact that he executed a world leader on national television. But he's really just hiding behind his voice, thus making a life-like character and a believable tyrant.


Frank Woods (Call of Duty: Black Ops)

Woods is a great symbol of American soldiers during the Vietnam War. While he's opposed to it, he knows that it's his duty to fight for his country. Woods also cares a lot about his men, and is always concerned about his fellow troops, thus making him a great leader. He's probably one of the most likable characters in the franchise because he's a tough as nails soldier who also cares about his brothers in arms. This is shown tragically when he sacrifices himself to save the player character.Butdespite his realistic qualities, Woods hassome of the most unrealistic parts of the Black Ops campaign.He escapes an underground Vietnamese prison during a game of Russian Roulette, and a couple of levels before thathe jumps off of a dock onto a boat with a massive explosion going off about three feet behind him. But that's just part of the franchises's charm, and it's part ofwhat makes Woods one of the best things about Black Ops.


Sgt. Dixon (Call of Duty 3)

Dixon is a lot like Woods. He's a no nonsense soldier who wants nothing more than to end the Nazis' reign of terror, but he's still a compassionate person. He cares a lot about Sgt. McCullin who's killed about halfway through the game, thuspromoting Dixon to sergeant. Throughout the rest of the game, Dixon is clearly scarred by the loss of McCullin, but keepson fighting. Dixon brings two different sides of a soldier to the table, he's very much a stereotype of American soldiers during World War II,he throws out of the cliche quotesincluding one of my favorite video game quotes when he saysthat they're on a mission to get "coffee and doughnuts, but the Germans drank all the coffee and ate all the doughnuts". But at the same time, he's just wants the war to endand he wantsall of the pain and suffering that his unit endures to endas well. He's two sides of a coin, thus making him a great and interesting character.


Ghost (Modern Warfare 2)

Everybody loves Ghost. That should be a TV sitcom. Because it's completely true, if you've played Modern Warfare 2, then you love Ghost. and I'm a victim to his awesomeness too. He's like the Boba Fett of video games,he's just a cool mother****** with an awesome mask (and I have one just like his :D)who can fight like a hybrid of Rambo and Batman. And as you can imagine, one of the saddest moments in gaming history wasthe untimely death of Ghost and the playercharacter nicknamed Roach. Although there's no need to worry, an IGNexecutive stated thatGhost isn't exactly dead.This could mean that he'sactually alive, or that they'll make a prequel to MW2 with him as the central character. As long as Ghost comes back, I'm satisfied. Now, I've stated why I love Ghost so much, so why is he only number seven? The reason is because he'snot really a central character, and thus you really only see himin a couple of cutscenes and in combat, so we don't get a huge sense of character from Ghost. But either way, he's one of the most lovable characters of the past decade, and he's just the guy that every guy wants to be like.


General Sheppard (Modern Warfare 2)

Sheppard is probably the most hated character in the entirefranchise.Just add it allup,he betraysthe SAS, shoots Roach and Ghost, stabsSoap MacTavish, and then tries to kill Captain Price. Just try to find an easiertohatevideo game character. And that's what makes him such a greatcharacter.Early in the game he just seems like your typical U.S. general, he's bossy, devoted, andhe seems to be a pretty flat character. Butright at the moment that Roach is shot, he becomes a deep and despicable. He doesn't care one bit aboutTask Force 141 and the entire SAS for that matter. All that matters to him is finding the terrorist named Makarov.Fortunately though,Sheppard finally gets what he deserves at the very end of the game, and it's such a beautiful but brutal sight to see.


Alex Mason (Call of Duty: Black Ops)

Alex Mason is a very different kind of CoD character. Most of the heroes on this list are great characters because they personify the war that they're fighting in and care about their brothers in arms. Mason is both exactly like that, and the complete opposite. He does perfonify the conflicts that the game is made up of, but not really in a good way. Mason is interrogared early in the game and finds out that he was brainwashed,and when everything is revealed, it'ssort of psychologically disturbing, much like theevents that you play through in Black Ops. Mason has seen everything and it's reflected inhis character. But despite this,Mason is still likable, and you really feel sorry for himwhen it's all revealed. And on top of that, the voice acting of Sam Worthington really helps add to the deep trauma of the character. So while his story may not be the most uplifting, thecharacter himself in great to watch unfold. And I share the same first namewith him,so that helps :P


Captain Price (CoD4: MW & MW2)

Captain Price is another example of a tough as nails soldier with a heart of gold. Although it takes a while for you to see that heart of gold. Price appears in both Modern Warfare games, thus giving you a lot more reason to like him. In the first game, Price seems bitter and unimpressed by pretty much everything, giving him a very realistic military tone. But as the game progresses, you see more of the human side of him as he begins to warm up to the player character (Soap MacTavish). In MW2, Price still has some of the same qualities, but seems more determined and scarred by the war. The contrast between theMW Price and the MW2 Price is interesting and shows how much Price changes but also how much he stays the same. And it;s his motivation that really drives the Modern Warfare games, and we can really thank him for that.


Sgt. Reznov (CoD World at War & CoD: Black Ops)

Reznov is probably the most determined chracter in the entire franchise. He first appears in World At War, in which you and him are the only survivors of a massacre in Moscow. From the very instant that he starts talking, you know that he wants revenge... badly, and Gary Oldman's terrific voice acting adds tohislust forit.Reznov's goal in World At War isn't just to win the war, but to slaughter the Germans in the name of Mother Russia. He's fighting more out of vengeance than anything, thus making him a great character. He's sort of a personification of Russia itself. He's patriotic, strong, determined, and will do anything to defend his countrymen. In Black Ops, Reznov is once again seeking revenge, but this time not for Russia necessarily, but more for himself, and it's an interesting contrast between his character in World At War and his character in Black Ops. But no matter what, Reznov will never be fully satisfied.



Jason Hudson (Call of Duty: Black Ops)

Hudson is probably the most logical and life-like character in the franchise. He's the voice of reason (literally) throughout Black Ops and makes him the most likable character in the game. He's a no-nonsense C.I.A. agent who's been asked to track down the creators of the chemical weapon known as Nova 6. And nothing can stand in his way. Unlike most of the other characters in Call of Duty, Hudson is likable because he feels like a real human being. While the other characters are realistic in their own ways, Hudson seems the most realistic. He feels like the ultimate C.I.A. agent while also having the combat skill of a member of the SOG. Hudson also has probably the best assortment of bada$$ moments. The mission in Hong Kong is probably the most exhilirating level to ever come out of a CoD game, and that's saying a lot. But despite all of his coolness, he still feels like the most human character in the franchise, wich makes him all the more likable. He also has the advantage of having Ed Harris provide the voice for him, adding even more to both his cool moments and his common agent moments. So if you're looking for both a bada$$ and a normal C.I.A., look no further.


Soap MacTavish (CoD4: MW & MW2)

Let's be honest... are you at all surprised? There's literally no other answer to the question "Who's the best Call of Duty character". MacTavish doesn't just represent the war that he's fighting in, he represents the entire Call of Duty franchise and every soldier who has ever seen action. He blends the aspects of all of the great characters the series has to offer, he has the determination of Sgt. Reznov, the toughness ofHudson and Mason, the leadership skills of Sgt. Dixon, andall of those aremixed together to create a character who in my mind is one of the greatest video gameheroes of all time.Every great thing that happens in theModern Warfare games comes from him,he stops two nuclear missiles, killstheleader of a Russian terrorist organization, and kills the man who betrayed theentire SAS. That's a lot for one man to accomplish. MacTavish is everything thats great about Call of Duty, and I think that that's more than enough to secure him the title of the greatest Call of Duty character of all time.

Song of the Day: Anyone's Ghost by The National

Blazingsaddle95's 100th Blog Spectacular!


Yes, the day you've all been so eagerly awaiting has finally arrived. My 100th Blog Spectacular! Okay, well I doubt that any of you actually care about this, but it's big to me. For over a year now I've been reviewing movies, performing countdowns, and making Top 10 Lists. And I wouldn't be writing this right now if it weren't for all of you who have been reading what I've had to say for the past fifteen months. And now, in grand Gamespot fashion, I'm going to fill you all in on more of my favorite things, count down my Top 10 Favorite Users, and reveal my face to the world. Which I've done before, but I'm going to do it again.

Favorite Game:

Even though it just came out six months ago, Red Dead Redemption has already sealed the title of my favorite game of all time. It's perfect for me, a massive open world game created by Rockstar, with dozens of weapons that are all fun to use, an incredible cast of characters brought together through and amazing storyline in a beautiful and brutal Old West setting. Being both a fan of open world games and a HUGE fan of Westerns, RDR was practically made for me.

Favorite Band:

As I revealed recently, The Beatles are in fact my favorite band. They combine everything that I love about music into one band. They gave us some of the best of the British Invasion period, the very best of the psychadelic and experimental mid-60's, and the British Invasion revival of the late 60's. The Beatles were probably the only band in history that did every little thing right and just couldn't go wrong.

Favorite Movie:

Like The Beatles did with music, Chinatown was one of the few movies to do everything right. It has two of the greatest acting performances of all time, an enthralling plot, and explosive ending, and a score that could make any grown man cry. Chinatown was one of the movies that really defined filmmaking in the 1970's while still being very true to what it was trying to be, which was a 1930's film noir. It's easily one of the greatest films every made, and certainly my personal favorite.

Now it's time to reveal my Top 10 Favorite GS Users. The people that I've gotten along with since the start and have helped to carry me to this point.

Gerudo has been a friend to me since the beginning of my time on GS. He helped me to get used to the site andshowed me how to survive in this harsh environment :P. Healso great at making sigs and banners, so if you're ever in need of a design, he's the guy to go to. Although I haven't seen much activity from him lately, so I've still got my fingers crossed that he'll come back... and make me a sig :P

#9. @RandomBeast
Random is one of the nicest dudes I've met here. But if you've met him, you know that by now. He's always got interesting input on things and knows a lot about movies, thus making him a good person for me to talk to. He's also a fellow PS3 fanboy, which will earn you maor points anytime with me.

#8. @JokerFett
Let's face facts here, JokerFett has one of the coolest usernames of all time. I can't think of many that I like more. And JokerFett is pretty cool as well. We have a lot in common in terms of games, we both love COD and Batman: Arkham Asylum as well as many other games. JF, I salute you, and your incredibly awesome username.

Fe94 is just a fun dude. That's all you can really say about him. The guys what people like to hear and really knows his Batman history. If you like Batman and fun conversations, look no further than Felipe.

#6. @raven_squad
Raven is another one of those people who has a lot in common with me. We're both fans of Stanley Kubrick and we share many musical preferences. Raven's we also shre a few unions, and thus we've been able to get to know each other well.

#5. @grunt1096
If you love Scarlett Johansson as much as I do, then you're bound to be one of my closest friends on GS. Grunt and I are both big fans of Ms. Johansson and many other things, particuarly movies and music. Grunt has also been posting in my blogs for a long time now, and I've been reading his, and that's helped to strengthen our already strong friendship.

#4. @ShootumUP26
Ryanhas to be the most well known guy on the website. Everyone reads his blogs (which are always great by the way), and everyone has befriended him. I'm sure that I'm not the first person to have him in their Top 5 Favorite Users, but he's one of the friendliest and most interesting dudes that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

#3. @tntkng
Ahh, Tnt. I might as well just repeat everything that I wrote about ShootumUP. You're one of the nicest people I've ever met, you've got great taste in music and games, and I'm honored that you chose me as one of you're officers in The All Music Union. You've always been a great friend.

#2. @Jak_Napier
Jak, jak, jak. What I have ever done without you my friend? Ever since the very first time that I logged onto this website, you've been there for me. You'reso incredibly friendly and funnythat I still don't understand how one person can be so likeable. You've always been a great friend, and I hope deeply hope that you stay active.

#1. @dylan417
Not once in my life did I ever expect to meet someone with so much common with me. Dylan, you've defined what it means to be an online friend to me. You read my blogs, you comment on them giving your honest opinion, you share probably a hundred things in common with me, and you're one of the nicest people I've ever known. I'm so happy to have met you and I hope that you feel the same.

Well, on that rather somewhat sappy note :P, we come to the moment in which I reveal myself to close the 100th Blog Spectacular... I give you...


And that concludes the 100th Blog Spectacular. Hope you enjoyed

Birthday Yesterday and Black Ops Impressions

Hello all. Well, as none of you probably knew, yesterday was my birthday! I'm now officially 15 years old and I can get my driver's permit! It was a great birthday, and I got some great gifts, such as...

A Band Of Horses T-Shirt

A Pogues CD (great Irish punk band by the way)

Batman Begins on Blu-Ray

A Giant Crayon/Bank (and no I'm not kidding)

A Bacon Chocolte Bar (again, not kidding)

And the two crowning gifts...

:D :D :D



I can't believe that I'm actually going to see Robert Plant, the lead singer of Led Zeppelin in concert! It's no until February but I'm still excited!

So all and all, I had a really good 15th birthday.

And for the part that really matters to you guys, my impressions for COD: Black Ops

It's no secret that Call of Duty is probably my favorite video game series of all time. Either that or Jak & Daxter. Call of Duty has gone from being an average World War II shooter series constantly in battle with Medal of Honor, but then in 2007, after Activision teamed up with Infinity Ward to make Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, COD became a household name. As it rightfully should. The series is known for it's great FPS action, fun characters, addictive bonus modes, thrilling campaign moments, and the icing on the cake known as... online multiplayer. COD is easily the best shooter series out there (sorry Halo fanboys) and will probably always hold that title. But now, the game's original creators, Treyarch, have decided to go for a whole new kind of COD experience... The Cold War. The series has been entirely WWII or a fictional war in the near future (COD4 and MW2) up to this point, but now the developers have decided to tackle military black operations. Where only the toughest of the tough can even come close to surviving. And how have they done so far with their new setting?

The Good

  • The campaign is really interesting and is an entirely new experience compared to the previous games.
  • There's an enormous arsenal of weapons ranging from traditional Dragunov sniper rifles to explosive crossbows and bollistic knives
  • The graphics are great in traditional COD fashion
  • The multiplayer is back and better than ever
  • Bloodthirsty? Look no further
  • The online customization is massive and really entertaining
  • The multiplayer training mode is a great way to prepare for online multiplayer
  • Terrific voice acting, including the talents of Sam Worthington (Avatar, Terminator Salvation), Ed Harris (Apollo 13, Appaloosa), and Ice Cube (Boyz N' The Hood)
  • The multiplayer maps are varied and suitable forevery different kind of combat
  • The use of CCR's "Fortunate Son" and The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy For The Devil" are a great addition to the soundtrack

The Bad

  • While the characters are interesting, they aren't quite as good as the ones from previous COD games
  • It takes a while to be able to start customizing in multiplayer
  • The score is pretty much exactly the same as World At War

Report Card:

Graphics: A-
Gameplay: A+
Characters: B
Dialogue: A
Voice Acting: A+
Weapons: A+
Multiplayer: A

Current Rating: A or 9.5/10

Favorite Bands/Artists Countdown Conclusion #10-1

Well, it's finally here! My Top 10 Favorite Bands/Musical Artists Finale, let's not waste any time!


Bob Marley & The Wailers

When you think reggae, you think Marley. Their sound is the universal language of peace and love.

Favorite Songs:
Small Axe
Four Hundred Years
Buffalo Soldier


Led Zeppelin

One of the most colossal bands of all time, and one of the most legendary as well.

Favorite Songs:
When The Levee Breaks
Achilles Last Stand
Dazed and Confused



The experimental rockers from Chicago have stuck with me since elementary school and will always remain one of my favorites.

Favorite Songs:
Jesus Etc.
Side With The Seeds
Box Full Of Letters
Bull Black Nova
I'm The Man Who Loves You


Foo Fighters

The offspring of Nirvana who can play you an intense rock anthem or a soothing acoustic ballad.

Favorite Songs:
The Pretender
My Hero
All My Life


Drive-By Truckers

About as close to country as my tastes go, the DBT's are an awesome southern rock band who really knows how to get a party going (believe me, it gets hectic when they play at bars)

Favorite Songs:
Sink Hole
Easy On Yourself
Let There Be Rock
Working This Job
A Ghost To Most
(Just a sidenote, the majority of my favorite DBT's songs are only recorded live on YouTube, so if you want to hear their true best songs, you'll have to use itunes or some other music streamer)


The Who

One of the founders of punk and later a giant of rock music, The Who are just one of those bands that did everything right.

Favorite Songs:
Legal Matter
My Generation
Won't Get Fooled Again
Behind Blue Eyes
The Kids Are Alright


Bob Dylan

The greatest songwriter of all time, and... well what else can you say?

Favorite Songs:
Like A Rolling Stone
Maggie's Farm
Song For Woody
She Belongs To Me
Thunder On The Mountain


Kings Of Leon

Everyone's favorite Arkansas family band comes in at number three and have experimented with everything from ska flavored garage rock to arena pounding power ballads. And they're amazing in concert.

Favorite Songs:
King Of The Rodeo
Black Thumbnail
Knocked Up


Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band

A band that started in a small bar on the Jersey Shore and became one of the greatest rock bands of all time. They also put on a hell of a show.

Favorite Songs:
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
Born To Run
I'm On Fire
Youngstown (Live In Hyde Park 2009)


The greatest band of all time... 'nuff said.

Favorite Songs:
Oh! Darling
Within You Without You
For No One
I Am The Walrus
You're Gonna Lose That Girl
Love You To
Hey Bulldog
Helter Skelter
A Day In The Life

And that concludes the countdown...

My New Theme and Favorite Bands/Artists #20-11

Well, I assume that if you're reading this, you've noticed my new theme. For those of you who either don't live in America or don't like baseball, I guess you don't really know what team this is. Well, my new theme is celebrating my favorite Major LeagueBaseball Team (besides the Tampa Bay Rays) THE 2010 WORLD SERIES CHAMPION SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS! This is the first time that they've won the series since they moved to San Francisco, and I couldn't be happier! :D :D :D

Well enough about that, back to my Favorite Bands/Musical Artists Countdown!


Rise Against

A punk band from Chicago, Rise Against is the closest thing to screamo that I'll listen to. They're also very politically active, and I agree with them on practically everything.

Favorite Songs:
Prayer Of The Refugee
Audience Of One
Ready To Fall
Swing Life Away


The White Stripes

The garage rock duo lead by one of my personal idols, the always bada$$ and somewhat quirky... Jack White.

Favorite Songs:
Why Can't You Be Nicer To Me?
Jimmy The Exploder
Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground
Little Bird
Death Letter


The Clash

The greatest punk band of all time, The Clash were just a really fun band, who knew how to get a party started.

Favorite Songs:
London Calling
Janie Jones
Police On My Back
Guns On The Roof
Rock The Casbah



A band lead by Michael Stipe that can give you some sweet rock, a soothing ballad.

Favorite Songs:
Supernatural Superserious
Losing My Religion
Man On The Moon


Elvis Costello

A man with an incredible understanding of all genres of music, Costello has done everything from hard rock to opera and jazz.

Favorite Songs:
Watching The Detectives
Pump It Up
I'm Not Angry
Waiting For The End Of The World



The distorted godfathers of grunge lead by the late-great Kurt Cobain. R.I.P.

Favorite Songs:
In Bloom
Pennyroyal Tea
Heart-Shaped Box
Lake Of Fire


The Hold Steady

They don't look like rock stars, they don't act like rock stars, but boy they can rock.

Favorite Songs:
Sequestered In Memphis
Hornets! Hornets!
Hot Soft Light
Slapped Actress
Chips Ahoy!


The Black Keys

A duo from Akron, Ohio that emit an awesome wave of raw blues.

Favorite Songs:
Everlasting Light
Strange Times
Ten Cent Pistol
The Wicked Messenger


The Rolling Stones

A literally immortal band that had pure domination of the planet Earth since the 1960's.

Favorite Songs:
Paint It,Black
Gimme Shelter
Rocks Off
Miss You
Tumbling Dice


The Jimi Hendrix Experience

The ultimate hippie group, The Jimi Hendrix Experience revolutionized the way the rock music (and guitars) are played today.

Favorite Songs:
If 6 Was 9
Bold As Love
Crosstown Traffic
Castles Made Of Sand
Red House

First Impressions - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Howdy everyone, I was reading the GS review for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, and, I didn't really agree with what they said about it. So I figured that I might as well give this a shot. I give you, the very first of my first impressions

Today's Game:

Ahh, Star Wars. No matter howmuch George Lucas milks you and no matter how bad these spin-offs can get, the one thing that has consistantly been done right with Star Wars is video games. The Star Wars: Battlefront games are well known shooters that still loved and played to this day, and the first Force Unleashed game was a big hit, and a breakthrough in graphical design. It was also one of the first games to use the almighty Euphoria engine. And so, when The Force Unleashed II was announced, people went nuts. The game promised the return of our beloved Starkiller as well as double lightsabers and increased force powers. Did we get all of these things? Yes. Did we lose some things along the way? Yes.

The Good:

· The graphics are stunning, and look pratically life-like the entire time

· The double lightsabers are a lot of fun and make for great weapons

· Your force powers are still as devastating and you earn them a lot faster

· The customization is surprisingly wide and gives you tons of options

· The addition of the new force power "Mind Trick" can really come in handy, and is really fun to use

· The locations are well detailed and resemble the ones from the first game, while not being too similar

· The free falling segments are really thrilling

The Bad:

· Your enemies always attack in big clusters making them really annoying and difficult

· There are constant boss fights that never seem to end

· The dialogue is pretty weak

The Ugly:

· The controls can be really unresponsive, and this gets tedious very quickly

Report Card:

Story: B

Graphics: A+

Gameplay: B

Characters: B+

Dialogue: D+

Voice Acting: A-

Current Rating: B or 7.5/10