@cylor: Like I said... Not everything is acceptable... But people tend to just look one side of the issue. To me is simple... Leaks - bad, Some assholes reaction - bad, Sony reaction - bad... A lot of bad so far...
Some people tried to destroy this game before release, they failed. But damage is done, and this damage is based of those points who made you fuzzy... Sony could have done nothing, yes, but they reacted, some people didn´t like it, and that´s also acceptable.
So, as I said, I will wait for the game, I´ll play it, and then (and this is my opinion) these so called debates will be a lot funnier...
@cylor: What happened was a vast amount of things like, hate, sadness, frustration, opportunity, discrimination, sexism... and I could go on for a bit... But I´ll wait and finish the game, and if it ends being as I expect, it will be fun to have future fights...
@Fandango_Letho: In my playthrough... Undoubtedly... On the other people playthrough... Well, I guess it will depend what type a gamer you are... I will explore everything... everything...
blindbsnake's comments