Hellblade 2 is by far the best announcement or video... It looks an amazing game, but the story is making me deeply sad...
I understood the first game as an inner battle from Senua's to accept his lover death... this makes the "monsters" real... so my interpretation is probably wrong and this changes the deep impact the first game had on me...
To me the most important thing is the respect for the characters and the story. And if a character looks in a specific way, that should be respected too...
"Because they generally did that in the last round of RE movies and that did very little to make any of those movies less shitty."
They that in the RE movies, yes... but if they were in Halloween time. They look like fake caricatures...
If you want to make a good RE choose your characters properly, use only the first game story, introduce the characters and the universe of RE and do it in a non explosive way. And by that I mean, do it as a thriller, not an action pack movie filled with stupid fights...
@Pierce_Sparrow: Well, to each its own... I personally didn't enjoy FC5. Not only the cultural thing, if we can call it that, but also how the story unfolds... FC3 and the jungle are the best part in this serie for me... FC4 is also great. FC2 is good, but some things of the gameplay put me off, and FC1 deserves the respect of any original title.
blindbsnake's comments