@theKSMM @bluefox755 That's what focus groups and surveys and consumer research are for, publishers do massive amounts of research to find out exactly WHAT customers want. If there was demand for a game that women wanted to play, the publishers would know, they like to make money, and high demand = money.
@gamingqueen @bluefox755 And once again, I have to ask, why do you doubt yourself? You sound like a strong confident woman, I can't imagine you would concede to being a victim and demanding government hold your hand.
@gamingqueen @bluefox755 I only ask that because all the women in my life have no problems with any of these issues you list. I've talked to them on numerous occasions about this, they all tell me something to the effect of "I don't understand why the feminists are so upset, I do just fine the way things are" Maybe I just surround myself with stronger women? But what women in my life tell me, and I hope I don't offend you, but they tell me the one's who constantly demand that things be equal, are lazy or lack self confidence. You understand I have this mindset, because I see the women in my life doing amazing in their own lives, without a single complaint about how things aren't fair...I just can't figure out why some women are successful in life with little effort, and others complain that things aren't fair. I don't think I'm downplaying, I only base my position on what I see around me.
@gamingqueen @bluefox755 You didn't answer any of my questions, you just linked, Wikipedia? I take it you disagree with my statement about your gender being capable without needing help.
@gamingqueen Let me counter that with some simplistic, common sense, questions...contraception, to my knowledge is available to anyone, anytime. You would ask for government subsidized, free or discounted contraception, yes? Violence against women...Pretty sure that's already illegal, women are people, just like everyone else, and violence is illegal, right? And cedaw? There are already gender discrimination acts in place, the equal rights act, and the civil rights act. You think government should pay for maternity leave? Many companies already do this on their own volition, what do you say to the women who claim they are capable of tending to their own affairs just the same as a man would be, without government intervention? And equal pay? If you do some research, specific statistics, show that women with equal education, ambition, hours worked, priorities, you'll find women make as much or often times more than their male counter parts...I think maybe you don't give enough credit to your gender, I think you all are more than capable of accomplishing your goals without the help of government.
@DiamondSlicer @aidsta He didn't have to, and no one will call him out on it, the subtext of the game is anti-nationalism, pro-liberalism, and the inclusion of religion allows liberals to make the leap to anti-conservatism, so his sexism can be excused for preaching the greater good. Which is to say "our politics are good, yours are evil"...this sort of thing happens in the media all the time, not so much in the gaming industry though. Not to say this isn't a good game, but to say there's not something more to all the e-boners in the gaming journalism world over this game, would be rather naive.
@aidsta @DiamondSlicer Yeah, he's tricking the customers into thinking the game is for idiots...that was the gist of it right? Way to stand on principle Mr. Levine.
bluefox755's comments