@Link3301 But this is what they do, EVERYTHING is about gender, race, etc...the one's who claim to champion diversity are the same one's that see color and gender first. This idea of forced inclusion is poisonous...remember the kid that got picked last in gym class? Well I remember one year, the teacher started putting the kid on a team forcibly half way through picking teams, he wasn't athletic, but up until that point, he at least had his dignity.
@wolfbm I have a girlfriend, who is also a gamer, and she, like I, thinks this white knight attitude that folks like you assume would be offensive if it weren't so laughable. Women don't need you to come to their defense, they're not fragile little creatures that can't stand up to men, so yeah, you don't speak for men, and according to my girlfriend, you don't speak for women either.
I don't think the liberal mouth pieces on here understand one key factor: with the exception of a few, we all love women, so much in fact that we hold them to the same EQUAL standard as everyone else. We don't patronize them and hold their hands and protect them from all the big bad mean sexists. I think I speak for alot of guys that feel like everytime they log onto a gaming website, or turn on the tv, we are being told why we should feel guilty because we are men, and by extension, are sexist...or if we are white men, are racist. This projected soft bigotry by guilt ridden media types is quite exhausting. So yeah, we make sandwich jokes, not because we hate women but because we are tired of you all telling us we should feel guilty. Grow a thicker skin.
INCLUSION!! We must acknowledge everyone...because all people are the same, and do the same things, and all deserve to have their feelings protected and made to feel special...ugh, it's all so phony and annoying.
This is merely a shameless attempt to bring hipsters and progressive types into the fold. Trying to connect the company to topical, hip, positive ideas. If it was sincere, or necessary I might say it's a good thing, but it's not.
I feel like feminists hurt their cause more than help it these days. This whole notion that we, as a society, need to respect everyone's "feelings", is not only a pipe dream, but quite frankly, just ridiculous. I can't wait til I'm an old man and I can say "inappropriate" things at my leisure without everyone having a stroke over it. Some folks need to grow a thicker skin.
@ernelson1976 Exactly, it could have been done offline, but it wasn't. There is a reason no one trusts EA, they come off as horrible, greedy company, willing to do anything to get a buck, annd no want wants EA to SAY anything, they want them to start employing some halfway decent business practices that shows they actually give a damn about their customers as opposed to the shareholders. They have a great feature rich online mode? Great, people will WANT to buy it for that feature, but don't force it on customers. Who in their right mind would actually support a product with such restrictions?
bluefox755's comments