bowling-name's forum posts
There are not many games that interest me on the PS3 at present, so even if the price were to drop significantly I wouldn't buy one.
If the XBOX 360's hardware becomes consistently reliable, I may eventually purchase one as there are numerous games available for the console that I would like to play.
In any case, I'm in no rush to "upgrade" to the current generation - I probably still play Super Nintendo games with greater frequency than any other system...
I don't play the "endless" very often because it can go on for so long. Maybe if I had more time...
Usually I just do the daily play (almost every day) and the Vs. Computer once through (once or twice a week).
So it appears that Bleach is finally making its way across the Pacific to the U.S. I'm curious though, about this quote:
...Bleach: The Blade of Fate, will be a 2D action game featuring 28 characters from the anime. Blade of Fate will also incorporate spirit card decks, which are cards that can be used in battle to give special power-ups or cast unique spells. The DS version offers cooperative local online play for up to four players.
I wonder if the WiFi capabilities will be stunted compared to the Japanese version(s) that have been released so far. Thoughts?
p.s. I wasn't too impressed with the screen captures from the Wii version either...
Ihave seen i a lot of threads lately saying; whats the difference of the mindset of a 18 year old and a 17 year old... That is really not the point of the Ao rating, ok so if you can all remember a former movie rating (X) that rating was made because a majority of the titles in that rating were porn related titles so they made it so no one under the legal adult age would see it.
I agree this may be a little off-topic, but I will respond anyway:
One of the ironies of this is that in many states the age of consent is lower than 18. So consensual sex is OK but viewing even a virtual representation of sex is illegal.
Also if a game is rated AO for violence rather than sex (which is the case with Manhunt correct?), your analogy doesn't really hold because there is no "legal adult age" when you are allowed to go around murdering people. The ESRB does generally seem to operate much like the MPAA though, in that I cannot recall a film that was rated X for violence, where as a same sex kiss (e.g. But I'm A Cheerleader) or "sexually frank" language (e.g. Clerks) can easily garner an NC-17.
Planet Puzzle League aka Tetris Attack aka Panel de Pon aka the most addictive game ever is now available on the DS. I've seen little discussion of it so far around these parts, so I suggest you read the IGN Review (9.0) to get an idea of how essential this game is.
2 questions.
1. Is this real? I haven't seen this advertised anywhere.
2. Do I have to get the Caslevania Double pack for the sale, I already own it
I'm guessing this is real, but can't confirm for you.
You do not have to get the Castlevania Double pack for the sale. The discount varies by game, and there are both GBA and DS games on sale (not to mention games for other consoles), including Phoenix Wright for 33% off.
They probably are still making games for it still, im not sure. But there isn't going to be anything as good as its already released titles.
BTW, how much does the small one cost. It seems evertime isearch for it i can never get any results.
There are several games on the way that will likely be "as good as its already released titles" such as Persona 3, Odin Sphere, Manhunt 2, Grim Grimoire, etc...
You can pick up a slim PS2 for $130 (via Amazon for example - with no sales tax and free shipping), sometimes less...I just bought one around last Christmas, and do not regret choosing it over one of the current gen systems (I would let the current generation mature a little more unless you feel the need to be on the bleeding edge or play online with/against other people).
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