@Thanatos2k: I'd postulate that these articles aren't 100% useless as you are alluding to. And that most people look at these articles to asses the temperature of a release so that they don't waste their hard earned money on a $15+ trip to the movie theater instead of avoiding spoilers and waiting to watch it later.
@xantufrog: Controller on PC is better IMHO which if I recall correctly is the same for the Dark Souls games on PC. I play a couple hours last night and I was having a blast, though I was playing RDR2 before hopping to JFO so I wasn't used to the controls yet.
Nice review but I find it dumb that Remedy made exclusive content for a platform. I mean I don't mind different skins or mods for the different consoles and PC but to exclude a side-misison from every platform besides PS4...that is ridiculous.
The reason why I chose the platform I chose was because I wanted the best performance and since these consoles cannot ever keep up with the PC, I have to miss content because of that choice. It's a load of bull and it shouldn't be tolerated.
@caldbunt: I'm sorry but the moment you bring up DS, whom has an ax to grind against CIG, completely de-legitimizes your argument. The man has said time and gain that this game is a pipedream and will fail; which it hasn't. The past 2 years DS has made it his personal goal in life to see the destruction of CR and the game under the veil of righteousness. He has threaten law suites and even failed to get the FEC and SEC to close CIG down. He is a joke in the game development community!
He is a washed up hack who is butt hurt about the fact that CR is a better developer than he could ever be and cannot get over his over-inflated ego.
BTW, there is a difference between dishonesty and over-optimistic but you don't really care about that distinction
First, that was a response to this "Ask them for the photos from the Bahamas where they are guzzling breezers by the dozen on your coin. It was the classic bait and switch and too many fell for". I assume you are of the opinion that because "you" gave them money, they need to work 18 hour work days and have no vacation or off time. If so, give me a break; the photos you're specifically referencing were from a VACATION and nothing more. And there was no bait and switch; the COMMUNITY wanted MORE stretch goals (ergo more scope) but I guess that little fact always seems to slip by.
Second, I'm not defending this company. What I'm doing is bring some sensibility and rationality to these asinine opinions and accusations that get thrown about because of ignorance or some internet troll's alliterative motive.
Lastly, I have no cognitive dissonance nor some sunk cost fallacy because I understand the psychology of money, the belief system that supports it and the cost of running a game development studio. Because of that understanding, I knew that the moment my money left my bank account I wasn't going to get it back; not because I'm not entitled to my money but because I know that money has to be spent to run a business which is exactly what CIG is doing......running a game development business.
Don't try to assume or guess my motives because 9 times out of 10 you will be wrong.
@Iemander: Funny thing how AVERAGES work though, you have to take ALL occurances. Now if I said TYPICAL than you would have a point and I would concede, but I didn't so the point still stands that the average is longer than what you are driving at.
@yaba: The "great pains" I took was doing proper research in game development and seeing just how long something like this would/could take. As soon as the scope of the game ballooned I adjusted my expectations like any rational human being would do. So yes I do blame every single one of those backers that didn't do the proper research to make an informed decision before dumping money into the development of this game; or readjusting their expectations when the overall community told CIG to continue with what they were doing. If you didn't see the writing on the wall.....not mine or CIG's fault.
If you followed the crowdfunding campaign than it shouldn't be any surprise as to why they continue to offer expensive ships. All you need is $45 for either the single game or the MMO, or $60 for both. Anything beyond that is YOU wanting that expensive ship and nothing more. YOU are the one that attributes expensive ships as "disgusting micro-transactions".
Release dates are for people who either measure success through some misguided commitment or for the impatient. I believe in milestones and CIG has crossed them aplenty; I suppose that's where we differ ;)
The only people that call Star Citizen or CIG a scam are people too ignorant to see what is before them or are holding on to some last ditch hope that this will all go up in flames so they can be the ones who said it from the start. Most of the time it's trolls who have no care whatsoever for the game and just want to get a rise out of people.
You aren't wrong about the community though, some are very cult-like in their defense of the game they love, same with the trolls and detractors, which does reflect negatively on the community as a whole and both should be ostracized/ignored so that the community can be more balanced.
brievolz84's comments