I could not agree more with the original post. I feel the exact same way, I tried it one and two were great. Some of my favorite games. However Uncharted 3 bored me a lot and Uncharted 4 continue that Trend. I will say the Lost Legacy brought things back to the Uncharted 1 and 2 feeling though.
Bronxs15's forum posts
Looks amazing
W O W . . .
WTH were we just subjected too?
@Pedro: I think you were the one that strayed into the launch of the systems.
I disagree that Nintendo is the exception. I think it’s fine reasoning to say people buy Nintendo to play Mario Zelda donkey king. And ppl buy Sony to play uncharted ratchet team ico etc. And it used to be the case if you wanted to play halo gears forza (which by the way are compelling reasons and best of games in their genre) you would need an Xbox. But not anymore. You can play those games without an Xbox now. Me and others here think that if that were not the case probably more Xboxes would be sold. If you disagree with that please elaborate why so I can understand your point better.
@Pedro: I disagree. People buy Nintendo systems to play Nintendo games. Even if they are not available at launch there is an expectation they games will come.
People could very well buy PS4 at launch on the expectation of playing the next naughty dog, Guerrilla games, or Santa Monica game.
As well I wouldn’t say PS4 sold on multi platform when the same games were available on Xbox. But the fact it was $100 cheaper as well. And you can’t underestimate how ps3 generation ended with strong tittles like last of us either
To be fair, the topic is about Xbox not MS. I completely agreed with you that play anywhere is great for gamers. I do not need to buy xbox to play the games seems my PC is more powerful than the X1S, is a win win for both gamers and MS.. But for this topic is to make Xbox great again (not MS) they do need to make games for Xbox only!
That would not make sense for them to make XBox only games. It didn't make sense for the Orig Xbox and Xbox 360. It took them over a decade to realize that such a direction is nonsensical when they span across two platforms to which they have strong influence over the development of games and how they are developed. Xbox is PC and consoles. That is what the brand is now and making exclusives will not only undermine that direction but would be counterproductive to the company as a whole vision. The future is unifying platforms not segregating.
I think it's you the point is flying past. Do you think MS just realized hey, why are we making a xbox console when we "span across two platforms to which we have strong influence"? Xbox was born of fear that sony would rule the living room space uncontested, and they saw PCs moving into the living room space. They failed at their objective to compete with sony with the original xbox, and they succeeded at competing with sony as they took away console market share with the 360. They are/were losing bad against sony with the xbox one due to their blunders and don matrick vision for the console (kinect, tv and reliance on 3rd party devs). They are loosing so bad, they've all but given up and are retreating from the console space.
If MS was successful with xbox one, they would not have let their biggest games go on PC. that move is to try and have the big games sell to a larger audience as the small install base of xbox one isn't large enough for the big games to thrive profit wise. don't forget xbox one user base is probably what half of PS4s?
The original post is not talking about microsoft in their entirety with products like surface, office windows. and it's not talking about xbox as a brand or service like xbox live or game pass. what can microsoft do to help the xbox one console. And the console as it competes/ compares to PS4 is a lost cause. And I like xbox. I've spent more time on xbox this gen than ps4. but i have to admit it. Without exclusives games you odn't have much to drive your console install base. and small console base, a la dreamcast, wii u are failures. nintendo and sega didn't have PC space to fall back on and save face tho, but microsoft does and that is exactly what they did.
Do you think the ps4 would have sold so many units if sony easily ported uncharted, spider man, last of us, horizon, gran turismo, god of war, last guardian, ratchet and clank, crash, etc to the pc? Sure you can play third party games on pc or xbox, but if you want to play those very same 3rd party games AND all the cool and interesting looking sony games the one way is to BUY A PS4. Do you disagree that is an advantageous situation for PS4? I feel for microsoft tho, they did try. at one point it was like if you want to play 3rd party games AND cool titles like quantum break, sunset overdrive, halo, gears, ori, etc you'd need an xbox. but that isn't the case anymore.
Answer 1: Invest in some more quality first party studios.
It wouldn’t hurt to buy up some. Smaller ones like Moon studio and aim for some big ones like Capcom. If resident evil, street fighter and mega man for example were all exclusive to Xbox. The console war would be more interesting.
Answer 2: comepete with other consoles more directly. Nintendo just made and amazing genre defying Zelda game. Copy some of the ideas and add new thing and make a new better fable.
Mario odyssey is a awesome platformer. Make a new banjo or edgier conker to compete.
If that’s all we get. A mini direct. How disappointing. No one to blame but myself tho. I never learn. Always get excited for Nintendo and directs only to be let down.
The worse was the first e3 “digital presentation” where I sat thru unimpressive game after unimpressive gave and cling to hope that there’d be a sweet reveal at the end. Only to see that pathetic looking star fox game. And stupid chicken plane robot looking thing.
I was really sour on hem for a few years after that. But recently came back around with the switch and Mario hype.
All that being said. Kirby looks cool and I’ll get tropical freeze again. And sell my Wii u version.
Apparently Nintendo just trolled fans about the direct in a tweet.
@lamprey263: lol
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