calvinsora's forum posts

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#1 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

Game List:

  • Disgaea 4 (PS3) - September 6th 7.5
  • Resistance 3 (PS3) - September 6th 8.5
  • Dead Island (360/PS3/PC) - September 6th 7.0
  • Warhammer 40,00: Space Marine (360/PS3/PC) - September 6th 8.0
  • Star Fox 64 3D (3DS) - September 9th 8.5
  • NHL 2012 (360/PS3) - September 13th 8.5
  • RAGE (360/PS3/PC) - September 13th 8.0
  • The Gunstringer (360/Kinect) - September 13th 6.5
  • God of War Origins Collection (PS3) - September 13th won't be reviewed, but I'll go with 8.0
  • Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (PC) - September 13th 8.5
  • F1 2011 (360/PS3/PC) - September 20th 7.5
  • Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP) - September 20th 7.0
  • Gears of War 3 (360) - September 23rd 9.0
  • FIFA Soccer 12 (360/PS3/PC/WII) - September 27th 8.0
  • Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection (PS3) - September 27th same as the GoW OC, but 8.5
  • Dark Souls (360/PS3) - October 4th 9.0
  • Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (360/PS3) - October 11th 8.0
  • Forza 4 (360) - October 11th 9.0
  • Batman: Arkham City (360/PS3/PC) - October 18th 9.0
  • Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (PS3) - October 18th 7.0
  • Battlefield 3 (360/PS3/PC) - October 25th 9.0
  • Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi (360/PS3) - October 25th 6.0
  • The King of Fighters XIII (360/PS3) - October 25th 6.5
  • Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3) - November 1st 9.5
  • Lord of the Rings: War in the North (360/PS3/PC) - November 1st 7.0
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (360/PS3/PC) -November 8th 8.5
  • Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (360/PS3) - November 8th same as the GoW OC, but 9.0
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (360/PS3/PC) - November 11th 9.5
  • Super Mario 3D Land (3DS) - November 13th 9.0
  • Need for Speed: The Run (aka QTE The Game) (360/PS3/PC) - November 15th 8.0
  • Saints Row: The Third (360/PS3/PC) - November 15th 8.5
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) - November 20th 9.0
  • Mario Kart 7 (3DS) - December 4th 8.5
Only estimates, of course, I think Dark Souls will trounce the rest of the competition with ease.
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#2 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

Hello, I'm calvinsora, real name Jón. I'm an Icelandic, 19-year-old gamer, and I'm currently in university studying medicine. My main attractions here on GS are the community and reviewing, of which I do a bit. I like most genres, my favorites being platformers and RPGs (most often from Japan). I'm not overly clung to any publisher over the other, I would be lying if I didn't say I weren't a Nintendo man at heart but I'm up for anything of quality.

Past-times are games, films and reviewing both.  My favorite games ever are Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Super Mario Bros. 3, Monster Rancher and Metroid Prime Trilogy. Favorite films are To Kill a Mockingbird, The Truman Show, Toy Story, Fargo and any of Woody Allen's cIassics. I listen mainly to video game soundtracks when it comes to music, but I've started to get into a little metal/alternative rock as with Opeth and Pain of Salvation. I read books on occasion too when I have time, preferrably Stephen King books.

That's basically the most intricate bio I have ever written for myself, a bit thin when I think about it :P Anyway, good to be here, look forward to posting, though it may be sparingly. 

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#3 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

Hmm. I do have a number of games with low review scores on GS, but it seems a bit harsh to get a Bad Taste emblem for that :P I've got a lot of games with positive scores too. But I guess it makes sense if there's been a change of criteria to the emblem.

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#4 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

Metroid Prime
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Kingdom Hearts
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Persona 4

Monster Rancher 2
Crash Bandicoot 2
Star Ocean: The Second Story

Banjo Kazooie
Paper Mario
Majora's Mask
Donkey Kong 64
Ocarina of Time

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#5 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

Pokemon. Though maybe it's not fair to judge this solely on my only experience with MH: Freedom 2, I just can't stand the controls in that game.

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#6 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

I was looking at my achievement page one day and noticed that I had gotten the Bad Taste achievement. This wouldn't be a problem if I had the essentials to have that achievement, but I don't. My game score average is a rather good 7.9. I also find it a bit inconvenient since I've also got the Top 100 user reviewers emblem. It's not a good combination, to say the least. Is this a glitch or is it just a mistake?

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#7 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts


[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]When Nintendo does something it's okay. When some other company does the same exact's not okay. Heck even when a company gives you the same innovation as Nintendo it's not okay...but if Nintendo provides none then that was the best way to do. Lesson? Nintendo = always right. Everyone else = always wrong. Rahnyc4

I'm pretty sure Sony fanboys would defend the Vita if it had this battery life. This isn't OK, but this isn't the disaster many make it out to be.

but it does....

Has the Vita's battery life been revealed? Didn't know that. As I said, it's not an ideal time, but it's nothing to get into fits about.

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#8 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

Demon's Souls, then TWEWY, then Final Fantasy XIII IMO.

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#9 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

I don't think I'll be buying another Bethesda product anytime soon. So I'll be choosing Dark Souls many times over.

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#10 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts


[QUOTE="kraken2109"] What big RTS games or simulators are found on console and work well? And i don't have a link to the spreadsheet, but i'm pretty sure PC has the highest scoring exclusives. (I believe there's a mod in this thread saying the same).blue_hazy_basic

I'm not going to argue consoles are the proper place for RTS because they simply aren't, but there are some perfectly decent RTS games on consoles that I've played, actually some are RTT's, but most people didn't start distinguishing the two until the last couple years.

Pikmin series
LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth II
The SAT port of Command & Conquer played fine.
Halo Wars is better than GS says in my opinion, and more in line with broader critical concensus of a low 8 title
Dragon Force
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Herzog Zwei (which actually predates almost every PC entry in the genre being released originally in 1989)

I know there are a bunch more, probably just slipping my mind, or maybe I'm just thinking of odd hybrid stuff like the Deception series. A couple are better played on PC, but that doesn't mean the console ports are bad games at all.

Tough to argue about Simulations as well, but its pretty easy to note the fact that the PC doesn't really get a lot of great sims any more either. Sadly, its an all but dead and burried genre. But maybe I should ask, what exactly is meant by simulations? When I think of the genre I think MechWarrior, Freespace, and Sci-Fi sims, or perhaps EA's Jane's titles, Novalogic's, 1C's, etc. military sims, but depending on how light and streamlined you're willing to get the consoles start getting stuff like Colony Wars, the DC Starlancer port, the Mech Assault games, Crimson Skies, Lethal Skies, Ace Combat, etc. that some consider simulations.

The PC is also not as well rounded as is being made out.

It is CLEARLY lacking far behind the HD twins in several genres:

Action Beat em Ups
Fighting Games
J-Strategy-RPGs or J-Tactical-RPGs

It has a few token entries in each of these genres, but much like RTS on consoles, it's just not where the games are at the moment and it misses the majority of games in these genres. It also lacks the more notable all-ages platformers like SMG, Kirby, DKCR, Conker, Ratchet & Clank, Jak, Sly etc., but since the better entries in that genre are almost all exclusives, that's to be expected.

Also, I love how the boast "most high scoring games" changed to "most high scoring exclusives."

524 XB360 (376 Retail, 148 DL)
385 PS3 (309 Retail, 76 DL)
379 PC (Retail and DL mixed for PC)(Since the start of this generation)
196 WII (176 Retail, 20 DL)

Number of games on each system the GS has scored over 7.0

198 PC (Retail and DL already mixed)
89 Wii (78 Retail, 11 DL)
74 PS3 (45 Retail, 29 DL)
72 X-Box 360 (41 Retail, 31 DL)

Number of exclusives on each system over 7.0 according to GS

I know, I know, exclusives are all that matter, that's why it's common knowledge in SW that the Wii is clearly the finest console this generation. Or wait, maybe some multi-plats matter, but not others?

remember GS only reviews a fraction of PC games, but almost all 360/PS3 games released in the US

This changes nothing, though, since SW uses only reviewed GS games as a point of reference. There is no proof as to what the games would otherwise have gotten.