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#1 calvinsora
Member since 2009 • 7076 Posts

Blu-ray has greater memory. Not much, but it's an improvement. Anyway, this is a really poor use of the word "failure", and "abysmal failure" is ridiculously hyperbolic. It's sold really well (selling tens of millions is NEVER a failure), and has many great games.

And the PS2 has *tons* of casual games, why do people tend to forget this?

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#2 calvinsora
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No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.


It barely sold more than Final Fantasy XII (VGchartz), even though it launched on two consoles and had a much bigger budget. It also has the lowest review scores of any numbered single player FF game. Its sales and scores weren't bad by most rubrics, but by the series standards it was sub-par and signals an overall decline. I feel almost like I'm arguing about Metroid: Other M again.

I actually enjoy other m. The only beef I had with it was the lack of exploration which is the series is known for. It wasint a signal of declin in quality of metroid games since it was just 1 game where they tried something different. This is why companies are afraid to do new things since some fans would outright said the series is dead or is dieing cause of 1 game. I still cant beleive some had the nerve to say other m was so bad that they dont know if samus could ever come back from it. That type of thought process deserv a giant facepalm.

Exactly my view. I completely agree.

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#3 calvinsora
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But it did deliver :? Just not in terms of 3rd party. It has SMG2, that is enough for me. Then there are the other great 1st party titles and the occasional great third party creation. I'm honestly happy that it was not HD, it made the devs focus on gameplay, not being realistic.

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#4 calvinsora
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Final Fantasy started to go down hill after X (although that one gave me a headache with the TERRIBLE voice acting).

Square needs to realise that they were a one trick pony, they should just remake their old games like FF7 with new graphics and that kind of stuff, then MABEY they could redeem there status.

Also I have never been a fan of the charecter models in just about any of their games, they look like freakin' cross dressers. I don't know WHY anyone would want to dress up like that in real life, makes no sense.


Well it is fantasy... they're supposed to dress differently.

Anyways, if they remade FFVII, I would totally buy it because I've never been able to play it before.

I don't know any kind of "fantasy" where men dress up like women, and I hope I never find out.

When I think of fantasy I think of a knight decked out in badass armor or a mage with a cloak or something... certainly not a guy with blonde hair wearing no shirt and tights for pants (the guy from FF12 i think...)

But if they made FF7 I would buy that in a heartbeat. Also what ever happened to the Chrono series? I played Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross but after that they just stopped.... those games were fun even though Chrono Cross had an impossible stroyline to follow due to it being too confusing.

FF characters do indeed dress bizarre, but not like women. I'd say that Vaan's outfit would be impossible on a female character (the blonde hair guy you're talking about). And everyone's definition of fantasy is different, fantasy is basically anything out of the trappings of reality.

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#5 calvinsora
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Some of you missed the whole point of the thread.

Sony is NOT trying to be anybody. Not in a literal sense. Sony and the Playstation brand is simply delivering the best possible gaming experience to consumers.

Sony is the next "nintendo" because in some ways Sony is simply a company providing games of various genres to ALL PEOPLE, ALL GAMERS who are willing to invest on a PS3 (like NES and SNES were). And like I said, Sony is literally the only company out there that's been very consistant in delivering or having these games from both 3rd party and 1st party developers on their PLAYSTATION PLATFORMS....PS1...PS2....PS3.

NO ONE CAN'T deny this fact. This 17 year history FACT.

Sony has GAMES. That's it!!!! And lots of it in various genres. That's why they have an excellent relationship with Publishers and that's why Publishers are willing to put their games on a Playstation platform.

Some of you people too concerned too worked up and talking all this crap about "identity and what not." That's too funny. :lol:

There's NO IDENTITY whatsover. If you want to take it literally, yeah, Sony has an's called having GAMES. That's what they're known for. The PS brand is a platform that carries GAMES. That's why their branding is called PLAYSTATION. You PLAY games on this black electronic video "STATION."


IMO, Sony's weakest point is not having games for everyone. It's got a definite lack of quality E games, aka for everyone. That is something Nintendo has. It's created the illusion that games for the younger generation just aren't supposed to be good.

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#6 calvinsora
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With a Kevin Butler name, sig AND avatar, I don't think you're exactly observational here. Nintendo is still, IMO, the best development team out there, though the Wii is not my favorite system this generation. Like the PS3 more, the DS most. And SMG2 is still my choice for the best game of this generation. Basically, I don't even agree with that article, much less the thread OP itself.

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#7 calvinsora
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"] Going through this thread makes it clear that they're not the same for many, many people :Pcharizard1605

I don't really get that. I think the only reason FFX isn't 10/10 is that I love the game so much, and have played it so much, that I'm willing to be particularly honest in my appraisal. It's not really about one game being better than the other. A game can be virtually flawless, but not the best. For instance, I like Assassin's Creed II more than many other games from 2009, but it has a lot of flaws. But I think I'm overthinking this :P

Ha, maybe you are. See, for me, it's simple. A game can be technically perfect, and thus worthy of a 10/10 on an objective scale. That would objectively make it one of the, or maybe flat out THE, best game(s) ever created. However, it might lack what I like to call the soul of a videogame, which is what I believe actually makes it fun. On the other hand, now, it is possible that a technically flawed game has such a lot of soul that it transcends it flaws and becomes my personal favorite, simply because its soul makes it fun to play. Thus, I have liked Phantom Hourglass more than Spirit Tracks, when by any and all accounts, Spirit Tracks is a better game. Similarly, I liked Gears of War better than Gears of War 2- 2 might have been more proficient, technically speaking, but it lacked 1's soul. Same with Assassin's Creed (the original game). I know it was flawed and repetitive and crap, but it had atmosphere and it had soul, and so, I liked it. I think that it may be this that subconsciously drives such a difference in our favorite games of all time, and in what are objectively the best games of all time.

I see your point, but having less flaws doesn't make it even objectively better, IMO. KH2 improved a lot of things that KH was flawed in, but as you say, I think KH has more soul. But the soul, as with everything else in a game, has its explanations. It's the level design for me. The level design is subtly better, IMO, in KH and makes it so much, much better. So even though it has more flaws than KH2, it is both better than KH2 (IMO) and a game I prefer more. One pro can be more relevant than another, to put it simply.

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#8 calvinsora
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No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.


It barely sold more than Final Fantasy XII (VGchartz), even though it launched on two consoles and had a much bigger budget. It also has the lowest review scores of any numbered single player FF game. Its sales and scores weren't bad by most rubrics, but by the series standards it was sub-par and signals an overall decline. I feel almost like I'm arguing about Metroid: Other M again.

FFXIII was, for SE, a fincancial success, that is to me enough of a reason to think it's still going on. We're talking about killing, not being as successful. Same with the scores, I'm not a fan of comparative scoring, and we never know if the next game in the series couldn't be better. Of course, it's all about opinion, but FF won't die for a long time if SE's next projects are any indication. FFXIV, though, was a failure and had a far more negative impact on the series.

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#9 calvinsora
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Ugh, another 3DS hate thread. You can turn off the 3D (shock), graphics don't make the game (double shock), not all games need two analog sticks (most DS games required none) and there are a ton of games coming for the system later on. There are a lot of reasons to want a 3DS, why do you think I want it more than a Vita atm?

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#10 calvinsora
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I rarely delve into anything regarding objectivity from my point of view, but my favorite game ever, FFX, isn't a one of my three 10/10 games (SMG2, KH, MGS4). So technically, their not the same, but I may just be weird.


Going through this thread makes it clear that they're not the same for many, many people :P

I don't really get that. I think the only reason FFX isn't 10/10 is that I love the game so much, and have played it so much, that I'm willing to be particularly honest in my appraisal. It's not really about one game being better than the other. A game can be virtually flawless, but not the best. For instance, I like Assassin's Creed II more than many other games from 2009, but it has a lot of flaws. But I think I'm overthinking this :P