I rarely delve into anything regarding objectivity from my point of view, but my favorite game ever, FFX, isn't a one of my three 10/10 games (SMG2, KH, MGS4). So technically, their not the same, but I may just be weird.
calvinsora's forum posts
Any graphics king thread, because they base the arguments on technology and realism. It's a ridiculous scale IMO.
Only when that's the only option. I like the fresh feeling of buying a new game, and there's usually never a chance to buy a game I want used until many months later (and on the cheap).
No. FFXIII sold very well, got great critic reviews on average and I personally loved the game. I loved FFXII even more, though, gotta agree with that. I'll never understand the FF fanbase, it's a jumbled mess of disparate opinions that can't agree with anything. I think the series is in good shape, but I can't even say that without being bombarded by haters :P It's aggravating.
do you think of that to while you are playing a game
"oh this game is on BLU-RAY, IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!"
No, our "DVD-player" is a PS3, and we own a number of Blu-rays so we watch them on it. Also, Blu-rays have greater storage capacity, meaning you always have only one disc. It's nothing huge, but it's a nice bonus.
By having more disc,after I'm done with 1st disc I give too friend I continue on with the 2nd disc
It's a nice bonus!!
... that is something I would never do. A friend can only do so much with one disc, he'll eventually need the other one and then, you don't have the game. I like to keep games and often, I play through the game again very soon. There is no inherent bonus with having two discs, but I don't care either way. As I said, it's nothing game-changing.
Free online, Blu-ray and exclusives, basically the reason I choose PS3 over 360. I also think the DS3 is better than the 360 controller. Anyway, it's dependant on what you look for in a console.
do you think of that to while you are playing a game
"oh this game is on BLU-RAY, IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!"
No, our "DVD-player" is a PS3, and we own a number of Blu-rays so we watch them on it. Also, Blu-rays have greater storage capacity, meaning you always have only one disc. It's nothing huge, but it's a nice bonus.
I've been underwhelmed by Bethesda's last two creations, so I'm on the fence here. There are plenty of contenders, believe me. Portal 2, Tactics Ogre: LUCT, L.A. Noire, Dark Souls, LittleBigPlanet 2, Uncharted 3, Witcher 2, Diablo III, LoZ: Skyward Sword etc.
I don't think so. If the PSP Go is any implication, people don't like distribution *only* systems. And I don't either. I'd prefer just DVDs.
Bioshock comes to mind very quickly. It was a genuinely unexpected and well executed twist. Also, KotOR has a great one, though it was spoiled for me. Persona 4 also had many awesome twists, though again, it was spoiled for me. I just can't go to the internet for any of the popular twist-games :P
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